
Organizational Leadership

C. Achievement of a 2.0 GPA. Achievement of a cumulative “C” average (2.00 GPA) or above on all work taken within the major and at Biola University.


D. Completion of the Biola University general education requirements. Behavioral Science**


3 units


3 units


Associate Professor

English Composition*

6 units

Fine Arts

3 units


Assistant Professor

Foreign Language***

4 units


6 units

World Civilizations (3 units) United States (3 units)

Mission & Learning Outcomes


3 units

The Organizational Leadership major is an innovative undergraduate degree program for working adults who desire an accredited Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. Courses focus on the development of skills in human relations and leadership. This is a preferred program for adults preparing for a wide range of management and leadership roles in profit and non-profit organizations.

Philosophy** Science / Math

3 units

8 units

Mathematics** (3 units) Science (3 units) Math / Science (2 units)

* The following course:


Studies in Critical Thinking & Writing

Units: 3


May be satisfied by:

Organizational Leadership

Research Project

Units: 3

ORLD 490

Degree Program A Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Leadership is offered upon the completion of the University baccalaureate requirements and the Organizational Leadership major. They include the following:

** Two of the requirements in these areas may be satisfied by courses in the major. *** The general education requirement for foreign language may be satisfied by two years of the same high school language or four units of a college language.


A. Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 120 approved semester units for graduation.

E. Completion of the program’s biblical studies foundation course sequence. BBST 110 New Testament History & Literature

B. Completion of the Organizational Leadership (42 units) major at Biola University. Twenty-four of these units must be upper division. Required courses include those listed below. ORLD courses used to fulfill GE requirements are not applied toward the upper division unit requirement in the major.

Units: 3

Old Testament Survey

Units: 4

BBST 150

Early Christian History - Acts

Units: 3

BBST 306

Guided Study

Units: 1 - 3

BBST 340

BBST 340 must be taken for 4 - 6 units. These units must be upper division electives (300- or 400-level course)

The Leader & Worldview The Leader & Wisdom

Units: 3

ORLD 210

Units: 3

ORLD 310

F. Completion of a minimum of 30 units at Biola University. At least 24 units (upper division level) must be in the major field. Extension credit or credit by examination may not be used to fulfill the minimum residence requirement of 30 semester units.

Theology & the Christian Life Group & Organizational Behavior

Units: 3

ORLD 330

Units: 3

ORLD 340

ORLD 340 must be taken at Biola University

Management Information Systems Statistical Methods & Research Interpersonal Communication

Units: 3

ORLD 350

Units: 3

ORLD 360

Courses (ORLD)

Units: 3

ORLD 370

Managerial Accounting Managerial Marketing

Units: 3

ORLD 380

The Leader & Worldview 3 An introduction to integration of faith, learning and living for a more accurate understanding of reality. The course emphasizes Christian thinking and analysis of both issues and solutions that are workable, intellectually viable and consistent with biblical truth. Students examine group and organizational behavior case studies that demonstrate the methods and difficulties of integration and application.

Units: 3

ORLD 407

ORLD 210

Leadership & Moral Decision Making Human Resource Management Principles of Management & Supervision

Units: 3

ORLD 410

Units: 3

ORLD 430

Units: 3

ORLD 440

Organizational Ethics

Units: 3

ORLD 450

ORLD 450 must be taken at Biola University

Research Project

Units: 3

ORLD 490

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