Social & Cultural Psychology
Units: 3
CPSY 406
Theories of Personality
Units: 3
CPSY 414
The Psychology of Spiritual Development Psychology of Marriage & Family Life
Units: 3
CPSY 418
Units: 3
CPSY 420
Physiological Psychology
Units: 3
CPSY 422
Psychology & Ethics
Units: 3
CPSY 450
Kevin Van Lant, Ph.D.
CPSY 450 must be taken at Biola University. and
Nunez, Van Lant
Associate Professor
Theology & the Christian Life
Units: 3
ORLD 330
Assistant Professor
C. Achievement of a 2.0 GPA. Achievement of “C” average (2.00 GPA) or above on all work taken within the major and cumulative.
Mission & Learning Outcomes
D. Completion of Biola University general education requirements. General Education (GE ) Requirements Behavioral Science** 3 units Communication 3 units English Composition 6 units * See note below regarding English Composition Fine Arts 3 units Foreign Language 12 units History 6 units World Civilizations (3 units) United States (3 units) Literature 3 units Philosophy** 3 units Science / Math 8 units Mathematics** (3 units) Science (3 units) Math / Science (2 units)
The School of Professional Studies Psychology major is an undergraduate program specifically designed for adult students that includes course work emphasizing psychosocial development, integration, research, and foundational theories of psychological study. Since students select a psychology major for various reasons, a broad range of courses have been selected for students desiring employment or advancement in a variety of fields which may include education, ministry, human resources, business, and human services. The courses are chosen to concurrently satisfy the prerequisites for graduate programs in clinical psychology, marriage and family therapy, educational psychology, school counseling, and other related fields of study.
Psychology (B.A.)
Degree Program A Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology is awarded upon completion of University baccalaureate requirements. These include the following:
* The following course: Experimental Psychology
Units: 3
CPSY 320
May be taken in place of:
Studies in Critical Thinking & Writing
Units: 3
A. Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 130 approved semester units for graduation.
** Two of the requirements in these areas may be satisfied by courses in the Psychology major:
B. Completion of the 51 unit Psychology major. Twenty-four of these units must be upper division. CPSY courses used to fulfill GE requirements are not applied toward the upper division unit requirement in the major. Required courses include the following: CPSY 202 Group Behavior Units: 3 CPSY 202 must be taken at Biola University. CPSY 204 Psychology & Christian Thought Units: 3 CPSY 208 Statistics with Computer Application Units: 3 CPSY 210 Psychology & Worldview Units: 3 CPSY 310 Psychology & Anthropology Units: 3 CPSY 320 Experimental Psychology Units: 3 CPSY 322 Learning & Cognition Units: 3 CPSY 325 Developmental Psychology: Childhood-Adolescence Units: 3 CPSY 326 Developmental Psychology: Adulthood–Aging Units: 3 CPSY 344 Abnormal Psychology Units: 3
Statistics with Computer Application
Units: 3
CPSY 208
Social & Cultural Psychology
Units: 3
CPSY 406
Psychology & Ethics
Units: 3
CPSY 450
E. Completion of the biblical studies foundation course sequence. BBST 110 New Testament History & Literature Units: 3 BBST 150 Old Testament Survey Units: 4 BBST 306 Early Christian History - Acts Units: 3 BBST 340 Guided Study Units: 1 - 3
BBST 340 must be taken for 4 - 6 units. These units must be upper division electives (300- or 400-level course)
F. Completion of a minimum of 30 units at Biola University. At least 24 units (upper division level) must be in the major field. Extension credit or credit by examination may not be used to fulfill the minimum residence requirement of 30 semester units.
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