Master of Arts in Science & Religion
science journalism, campus ministry). The baccalaureate degree must be from an accredited college or university with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants must submit a brief written statement outlining their vocational objectives and how the degree might relate to those objectives.
Craig J. Hazen, Ph.D.
Graduation Requirements
Bloom, DeWeese, Geivett, Gomes, Hazen, Moreland
A. Satisfactorily complete 36 semester units as outlined in the curriculum.
Reynolds, S. Smith
Associate Professors
K. Lewis
B. Maintain a 2.5 average with no grade below a C in all courses to be credited toward graduation.
Assistant Professor
C. Complete a minimum of 24 units at Biola University. All degree components must be completed as graded courses.
Mission & Learning Outcomes
The Master of Arts degree in Science & Religion is designed to provide individuals with the essential background in theology, history and philosophy necessary to integrate evangelical Christianity with modern science. The curriculum is designed for students who already have some background in the sciences; consequently the course work emphasizes the critical tools from other disciplines that are necessary for providing the proper context and foundation for understanding and working comfortably with issues that relate to both Christianity and the sciences. Special seminars focus on current theological issues within specific scientific disciplines so that students will understand the contemporary dynamic and learn to integrate their thinking in a mentored setting. The program fosters in students a mature and informed Christian worldview from which to serve the Lord and to relate to secular colleagues in the sciences. This program is available in a format that combines distance learning and on-campus learning in an academically robust manner. This is a proven method of education that is designed to make the M.A. in Science & Religion available to students who cannot relocate to Southern California for the course work. Some short-term campus visits are required during the summer, offering the opportunity to interact with faculty, fellow students and preeminent guest scholars and lecturers.
D. Students are placed on academic probation if their grade point average for any semester falls below 2.5 and will remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumulative grade point average remains below 2.5. Probation students are granted one semester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (2.5) for continuance in the program. A student cannot graduate while on probation.
E. Complete the entire program in no more than five years.
The M.A. in Science & Religion program includes the following:
Religious Studies Core (16 units): CSSR 510 Research Methodologies
Units: 1
History of Christian Thought Authority of Scriptural Traditions Old Testament / Hebrew Literature
Units: 3
CSSR 514
Units: 1 - 2
CSSR 516
Units: 3
CSSR 519
New Testament Literature
Units: 3
CSSR 520
Christian Thought I Christian Thought II
Units: 1 - 2
CSSR 541
Units: 1 - 2
CSSR 542
Students who already have a strong background in Bible may, with advisor approval, take additional approved electives in place of the required units.
Science & Religion Core (8 units): CSSR 529
Historical Perspectives in Science & Religion
Admission Requirements
Units: 1 - 2
Applicants must possess a Bachelor’s degree, normally in a natural science (physics, chemistry, biology or related field), engineering, mathematics, computer science; or in anthropology, psychology or related fields. Students with a baccalaureate in any field will be considered if their career or ministry path involves a strong scientific interest (e.g.,
Darwin, Evolution, & Design
Units: 1 - 2
CSSR 530
Modern Physics, Cosmology, & Design
Units: 1 - 2
CSSR 631
Intelligent Design Seminar
Units: 1 - 2
CSSR 651
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