
Degrees Offered

Talbot’s Spiritual Formation Focus

Talbot School of Theology offers the following degree programs:


The mission of the Spiritual Formation Focus at Talbot School of Theology and the Institute for Spiritual Formation centers on students more deeply understanding and participating in life in Christ and cooperating with the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, whose purpose is to form persons into the image of Christ through union with the Triune God. A major objective is opening the heart in truth to the New Covenant work of Christ and the ministry of the Spirit in sanctification. The resulting change of character or fruit of the Spirit is accomplished through cooperation with the Indwelling Spirit and not by means of human efforts alone.


• Master of Divinity

• Master of Arts:

• Bible Exposition

• Old Testament

• New Testament

• Theology

• Philosophy of Religion & Ethics


• Spiritual Formation

The purpose of Talbot’s Spiritual Formation Focus is to provide a substantial theoretical understanding of and experience in the process of spiritual transformation while attending Talbot. This focus equips students to continue the process of sanctification, beyond educational preparation, for a life that will increasingly reflect the love of Christ and the characteristics of a biblical leader as recorded in I Timothy 3.

• Biblical & Theological Studies / Diversified

• Master of Arts in Christian Education

• Master of Arts in Christian Ministry & Leadership

• Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation & Soul Care

• Master of Theology


• Ph.D. in Educational Studies

As a result of Talbot’s Spiritual Formation Focus students will:

• Ed.D. in Educational Studies

• Doctor of Ministry

1. Have a deeper understanding of theological training in the Holy Spirit, thereby experiencing classroom learning and homework assignments as spiritually transformative. 2. Develop a thorough and biblical spiritual theology (i.e., an understanding of the nature of spiritual transformation in Christ, the developmental dynamics of growth in the Spirit and the practical directives for growth) and how this theology impacts ministries in the local church. 3. Meaningfully participate in putting off the old self and the former manner of life by dealing with personal sin and putting on the new self and the virtues of our Lord by the transformation of the Holy Spirit in light of the work of Christ on the cross (Eph. 4:22ff.). This includes dealing with sin habits of the heart related to original sin, personal sin, being sinned against and worldliness. 4. Theoretically and personally explore in depth their relational capacity as being created in the image of God. This includes exploring the truth of their relational development within the fallen world, how they can develop healthy relationships in Christ and how these relationships impact the student’s overall relationship with God and others (includes addressing issues related to romance, gender, marriage, family, and parenting, for these are at the heart of how Christ is formed in us).

Candidates for degrees must demonstrate an exemplary Christian character, a commitment to communicate the truth of the Word of God, and a promise of usefulness in Christian service. Additional educational options / programs offered through Talbot are highlighted below: Talbot After Hours Late afternoon, evening and Saturday classes are regularly offered at the La Mirada campus. This arrangement provides an opportunity to take several courses each semester, when other responsibilities prevent enrollment as a full-time student. Courses offered are identical in content to those provided in the daytime schedule and are applicable toward the degree programs of the seminary. Holy Land Studies Talbot School of Theology will transfer up to 12 units of elective credit for graduate-level courses taken at the Jerusalem University College, Jerusalem, Israel. Study tours for credit are also offered.

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