
For information, or to apply for Graduate/Married housing, contact:

Admission Requirements

Correspondence concerning admission should be addressed to the Office of Graduate Admissions, which will supply the proper forms. When these application forms and all transcripts of previous academic training have been filed, accompanied by a $45 application fee, an admissions decision will be made. Official notification will be sent by mail to the applicant. The application deadline for the fall is July 1 and for the spring is December 1. Applications may be submitted after these deadlines (late application fee of $55), but will be considered only if space is available and time allows. Late applications may be postponed to later terms. Talbot School of Theology desires only qualified students and personnel who are committed to Jesus Christ. However, in the admission of students, the hiring of employees or the operation of any of its programs and activities, Talbot does not discriminate on the basis of the applicant’s race, color, sex, handicap or national or ethnic origin. Entrance requirements for each program are listed on the page describing that program under the heading, Admission Requirements.

Auxiliary Services Student Services Building 13800 Biola Avenue


La Mirada, CA 90639-0001 Tel: (562) 944-0351 ext. 5814 E-mail:

Meal Plans Residents of graduate housing and commuter graduate students are welcome to purchase any meal plan, though not required to do so. There are several meal plan options for the busy non-resident to choose from, including the Block Plan which combines 40 meals during the semester with $100 flex dollars to spend in any of the on-campus dining facilities. Five flex, 10 meal plan, 10 flex, 12 flex, 15 flex and 20 flex meal plans are available. Residents of graduate/married housing and commuter graduate students may also purchase Commuter Dollars that can be used in Café Biola, the Eagle’s Nest (a food court), the Talon (a grab ‘n go), Common Grounds (a coffee house) and the coffee cart.

For more information contact Auxiliary Services, (562) 944- 1351, extension 5810.

Official documents presented for admission or evaluation become part of the student’s academic file and normally cannot be returned or copied for distribution.


Talbot Support Ministries Director

Dr. Mick Boersma

Talbot Support Ministries (TSM) is a service-oriented ministry directed toward recent Talbot alumni and their spouses who are primarily focused on pastoral or missions careers. This program, led by the director and his wife, is distinguished by commitment to the following distinctives: • Relationship: established with incoming students, continued through seminary studies and the first five to seven years of professional ministry. • Credibility: the program director and his wife have extensive experience in ministry and work to keep current onchanges and issues affecting Talbot graduates. • Safety: an environment is provided in which alumni are assured of confidentiality and freedom to share their lives openly. • Purposefulness: TSM initiates and maintains contact with alumni through newsletters, personal notes, phone calls, e-mail and on-site visits when possible. • Resources: TSM seeks to provide helpful resources such as networking with other graduates, contact with placement opportunities and professional and personal counsel.

Talbot Writing Proficiency Examination (TWPE)

Advanced compositional skills, commensurate with graduate-level theological studies, are foundational and indispensable, both in terms of educational and ministerial success. Based on objective criteria, some new students will be required to take the Talbot Writing Proficiency Exam (TWPE) prior to registration for the first semester. TWPE results will determine whether enrollment in TTSS 500 Theological Writing will be required. If required, this course must be taken in the first semester of seminary study. (See course description.) Students who receive a grade of “NC” (No Credit) in this course must repeat the course (the course is graded on a Credit/No Credit basis). Academic Load The minimum full-time load is nine units for those in the Master of Divinity, Master of Arts and Master of Theology degree programs. Those carrying less than the full-time load are considered part-time students. The standard student load in the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program is twelve (12) units. A student is normally permitted to carry a maximum of 18 units each semester. To exceed this maximum load, the student must petition the Office of the Registrar. A maximum of ten (10) units may be taken by a student in a combination of independent study, arranged,

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