
Independent Study/Arranged Course Independent Studies are an integral part of the Biola University experience. An Independent Study is a course which is initiated by the student, who then works independently toward the goals and objectives outlined by the professor on the Arranged Course form. Students who are in good standing and not on probation are eligible to enroll in an Independent Study. A maximum of six (6) units may be taken by a student in independent study and/or arranged coursework during the student’s degree program. Thesis A student must register in a thesis class each semester until the thesis is completed and accepted for binding by the library. A student finishing course work in December has 1 1/2 years to complete the thesis. A student finishing course work in June has one year to complete the thesis. If geographic location prevents registration in person, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the Office of the Registrar for registration materials. Registration by mail is subject to the same rules as registration in person. Transfer of Credit For a student who earned a master’s degree at a previous accredited school, up to 50% of the units of coursework with similar content may be shared and transferred toward another Master of Arts or Master of Divinity Talbot degree. All transferred coursework must be appropriate for the degree. At least 50% of the master’s degree requirements must be taken at Talbot. For a student who did not complete a masters level degree at the previous school, all appropriate comparable course units may be transferred; however a minimum of 24 units of the Master of Arts or Master of Divinity degree requirement must be completed at Talbot. Transfer credit for acceptable work done in other graduate schools will be allowed for courses which are parallel to those required in the curriculum. Applications received by May 1 will be provided with transfer credit decisions at the point of acceptance. Transfer credit for late applications will be accomplished during the fall semester. Graduate courses with grades of “C” or above at accredited institutions or those validated with grades of “B” or above from approved unaccredited schools are considered as acceptable on a transfer basis. For information on the validation procedure for unaccredited work, contact the Office of the Registrar. Multiple Degree The programs in Talbot School of Theology are accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). ATS requires a minimum of 50% of coursework in the second Master of Arts or Master of Divinity degree program be taken in residency (i.e., 50% cannot be shared with any other completed master’s level program). (ATS Standards, 1998)

Advanced Standing and Reduction Submission Reduction or Advanced Standing is available for Master’s level degree programs. Advanced standing or unit reduction must normally be processed and granted prior to the student beginning the first semester of enrollment in order for the student to know the admissions offer, transfer credit and remaining degree requirements. Credit cannot be granted after completion of the first semester of enrolled coursework.


Advanced Standing for Professional Master’s Degrees

(Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Christian Education, Master of Arts in Christian Ministry & Leadership, and Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation & Soul Care). Accepted/admitted applicants who have taken undergraduate courses in biblical or theological studies (or psychology for the Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation & Soul Care) may request review for Advanced Standing credit based on their collegiate work. Granting advanced standing credit requires faculty approval based on parallel course content. Proof of competency in the subject area or evidence of how the course content has been used since taking the course is required. An evaluation will be made by the faculty and credits processed through the Office of the Registrar. To be considered, the student must have earned at least a “B” grade in the coursework being evaluated.

The maximum number of units that may be received is:

Master of Divinity

16 units 12 units 12 units 12 units

Master of Arts in Christian Education Christian Ministry & Leadership Spiritual Formation & Soul Care

Advanced Standing for the Certificate in

Spiritual Formation

6 units

Reduction of units for Academic Master’s Degrees

Eligible students coming from accredited Bible colleges or Christian liberal arts colleges may request exemption from certain required courses. Normally, reduction requires two undergraduate courses, in the same discipline, to reduce one graduate course (6 units undergraduate work to reduce 3 units of graduate work) for a limited amount of graduate credit. To qualify for reduction, the student must have earned a “B” grade in eligible coursework. Once the student has been accepted into the degree program, an evaluation will be made by the Office of the Registrar following guidelines established by the faculty.

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