Spring Semester (17 units):
Spring Semester (15 units):
Survey of Matthew - Revelation Reformation & Modern Theology
Thesis Final Draft or Elective: 2 units TTBE 726 Expositional Methodology in Daniel & Revelation
Units: 3
TTBE 520
Units: 3
TTHT 506
Exegesis in the Gospels
Units: 3
Units: 3
TTNT 604
Field Education II
Units: 0
Units: 3
TTPT 592
TTPH 602
Foundations of Pastoral Care & Counseling
Pastoral Care & Counseling Internship
Units: 2
Units: 1 - 2
TTPT 707
TTPT 696
Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation
TTPT 696 should be taken for 1 unit.
TTSF 503
Addressing Common Pastoral Counseling Concerns
Units: 2 - 3
TTPT 716
TTSF 503 must be taken for 3 units.
Units: 3
Talbot Spiritual Direction
TTPT 725 Counseling Troubled Families
Units: 0
Units: 3
TTSF 505
Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man & Sin
TTTH 512
Units: 3
Evangelism & Discipleship Concentration
Second Year Fall Semester (18 units):
Mission & Learning Outcomes Provides preparation for a variety of professional ministries including pastor, associate pastor, youth pastor, teaching, evangelist, missionary and other leadership roles. In comparison to the Pastoral & General Ministries this program has specialized training in evangelism and discipleship.
Introduction to World Missions Educational Ministry in the Church Patristic & Medieval Theology
Units: 3
ISCL 555
Units: 3
TTCE 600
Units: 3
TTHT 505
Elements of Hebrew I Expository Preaching
Units: 3
TTOT 603
Units: 3
TTPT 609
As a result of this program, the student will:
Spiritual Formation, Vocation, & the Disciplines
TTSF 504
Units: 0
1. Give a persuasive and succinct presentation of how one comes to faith in Christ.
Theology III - Christ, Salvation & the Spirit
Units: 3
TTTH 613
Spring Semester (15 units):
2. Design a training seminar on evangelism for laypersons in a local church.
Exegesis in the Epistles & Acts
Units: 3
TTNT 605
Elements of Hebrew II
3. Develop and apply specific skills for cross-cultural evangelism in the United States and abroad.
Units: 3
TTOT 604
Pastoral Care & Counseling Internship
Units: 1 - 2
TTPT 696
TTPT 696 should be taken for 1 unit.
4. Analyze the changing context of American society, and develop ways of addressing various ethical/social issues.
Talbot Spiritual Direction
Units: 0
TTSF 505
Theology IV - The Church & Last Things
Units: 3
TTTH 614
The Church & Society
Units: 3
TTPT 703
5. Acquire the basic information and skills to plant a new church.
Issues & Ethics in Ministry
Units: 2
TTPT 740
6. Learn the principles and procedures to cooperate with God in the growth of His churches.
Third Year Fall Semester (15 units):
7. Integrate the biblical doctrine of sanctification with the concepts of discipleship, spiritual formation, and the Christian life.
Thesis First Draft or Elective: 2 units TTOT 705
Exegesis in Genesis & Selected Passages
Units: 3
Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy
Units: 3
TTPT 604
First Year Fall Semester (17 units):
Marital Counseling
Units: 3
TTPT 628
Pastoral Care & Counseling Internship
Units: 1 - 2
TTPT 696
TTPT 696 should be taken for 1 unit.
Hermeneutics & Bible Study Methods
Units: 3
TTBE 517
Advanced Pastoral Counseling
Units: 3
TTPT 708
Survey of Genesis - Malachi Introduction to Exegesis
Units: 3
TTBE 519
Units: 3
TTNT 503
TTNT 501 & TTNT 502 are required for students without prior Greek study.
Introduction to Field Education
Units: 1
TTPT 591
Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation
TTSF 501
Units: 2 - 3
TTSF 501 must be taken for 3 units.
Theological Research Methodologies
Units: 1
TTSS 510
Theology I - Introduction: Revelation & Nature of God
TTTH 511
Units: 3
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