The essential training elements in this program are:
Cross-cultural Education Emphasis ISCL 520
Interpersonal & Intercultural Adjustment
Units: 3
1. Deep understanding of the Word of God and theological reflection in prayer.
Introduction to World Missions
Units: 3
ISCL 555
Multicultural Education
Units: 3
ISCL 575
Intercultural Communication
Units: 3
ISCL 709
2. Honest soul exploration and obedience in growing intimacy with God in the Spirit.
Narrative as an Educational Philosophy
Units: 3
ISCL 744
Linguistics & Biblical Languages Emphasis ISAL 515 Linguistics of Biblical Languages
3. Profound training in soul care of others and practical wisdom for ministry sake.
Units: 3
Introduction to Language & Linguistics
Units: 3
ISAL 520
General Articulatory Phonetics Introduction to Phonology
4. Thoughtful and prayerful integration of spiritual formation into the whole scope of the church’s ministries of formation, teaching, education, mission, love, justice and prayer.
Units: 3
ISAL 521
Units: 3
ISAL 523
Introduction to Syntax
Units: 3
ISAL 525
Introduction to Semantics & Pragmatics
Units: 3
ISAL 529
First Year Fall Semester (15 units):
Introduction to Bible Translation
Units: 3
ISAL 535
Discourse & Text Analysis
Units: 3
ISAL 648
Seminar in Linguistics & Biblical Exegesis
Units: 3
ISAL 650
Patristic & Medieval Theology
Units: 3
TTHT 505
Introduction to Christian Spirituality & Prayer
TTSF 521
Missiology Emphasis ISCL 555
Units: 2 - 3
Introduction to World Missions Contemporary Theology of Mission The Local Church & World Missions Spiritual Conflicts in Cross-cultural Context
Units: 3
TTSF 521 should be taken for 2 units.
Units: 3
ISCL 655
History & Theory of Christian Soul Care & Direction
TTSF 524
Units: 3
ISCL 680
Units: 2 - 3
Units: 3
ISCL 722
TTSF 524 should be taken for 2 units.
Issues in Spiritual Warfare
Units: 3
ISCL 724
Personal Foundations of Spirituality & Retreat
TTSF 543
Directed Study
Units: 1 - 4
ISCL 730
Units: 1 - 3
The History of the World Christian Movement Units: 3
ISCL 742
TTSF 543 should be taken for 2 units.
Christianity & Culture
Units: 3
ISCL 747
Personal Spiritual Direction Theology I - Introduction: Revelation & Nature of God
Units: 0
TTSF 585
Issues in Contextualization /Cross-cultural Theology Acts: Biblical & Missiological
ISCL 750
TTTH 511
Units: 3
Units: 3
Units: 3
ISCL 752
Biblical Morality & Cultural Relativity
Units: 3
ISCL 755
Choose one of the following courses:
Urban/Multi-ethnic Emphasis ISCL 520
Hermeneutics & Bible Study Methods
Units: 3
TTBE 517
Interpersonal & Intercultural Adjustment
Units: 3
Hermeneutics & the Word in Spiritual Formation
TTSF 517
Peoples of Ethnic America Topics in Urban Studies Urban Research & Study
Units: 3
ISCL 531
Units: 3
Units: 3
ISCL 559
Units: 3
ISCL 560
Spring Semester (16 units):
Theology of the City Poverty & the City
Units: 3
ISCL 568
Survey of Genesis - Malachi Expositional Methodology in Daniel & Revelation Reformation & Modern Theology
Units: 3
Units: 3
ISCL 583
TTBE 519
Directed Study
Units: 1 - 4
ISCL 730
TTBE 726
Narrative as an Educational Philosophy
Units: 3
Units: 3
ISCL 744
Units: 3
TTHT 506
Developmental Spirituality & Contemplative Prayer
TTSF 532
Spiritual Formation Concentration
Units: 2 - 3
TTSF 532 should be taken for 2 units.
Mission & Learning Outcomes Provides preparation for ministries of spiritual formation and soul care for the sake of personal and corporate growth of the church within such roles as preaching pastor, associate pastor, youth pastor, and women’s ministries. Emphasis is upon student growth in the life of the Spirit grounded in a deep understanding of the Word and theological reflection in prayer for the purpose of greater humility, dependence upon and love of God. No thesis option.
Personal Spiritual Direction
Units: 0
TTSF 585
Intensive Journey Inward & Retreat
Units: 1 - 4
TTSF 670
TTSF 670 should be taken for 1 unit.
Theological Research Methodologies Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man & Sin
Units: 1
TTSS 510
TTTH 512
Units: 3
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