
Choose one of the following courses:

Second Year Fall Semester (17 units):

Elective: 3 units TTSF 531

Survey of Matthew - Revelation

History & Traditions of Christian Spirituality

Units: 3

Units: 3

TTBE 520

Introduction to Exegesis

Units: 3

TTNT 503


Choose one of the following courses:

TTNT 501 and TTNT 502 are required for students without prior Greek study.

Field Internship

Units: 0 - 2

TTPT 792

Elements of Hebrew I

Units: 3

TTOT 603

If TTPT 792 is chosen, it should be taken for 2 units.

Pastoral Ministry

Units: 3

TTPT 602

Soul Care Practicum II

Units: 2

TTSF 678

Personal Spiritual Direction

Units: 0

TTSF 585

Christian Virtue & the Spiritual Disciplines

Units: 2 - 3

TTSF 645

Co-curricular Requirements (see Department of Spiritual Formation descriptions)

TTSF 645 should be taken for 2 units.

Theology III - Christ, Salvation & the Spirit

Units: 3

TTTH 613

1. Personal Spiritual Direction (TTSF 585)

Interterm: Required Mid-Second Year (2 units):

2. Didactic Therapy

Soul Care Pre-practicum I & Professional Ethics

TTSF 577

3. Faculty-Student Retreats

Units: 2 - 3

TTSF 577 should be taken for 2 units.

4. Personal Retreats

Spring Semester (18 units):

5. Student Progress Assessment

Elective: 3 units TTNT 604

6. Intensive Journey Inward Retreat (TTSF 670)

Exegesis in the Gospels Elements of Hebrew II

Units: 3

Units: 3

TTOT 604

Personality Development & Psychopathology Units: 3

TTSF 544

Messianic Jewish Studies Concentration

Soul Care Pre-practicum II & Professional Referral Personal Spiritual Direction

TTSF 578

Units: 3

Mission & Learning Outcomes Provides training and preparation for a variety of

Units: 0

TTSF 585

Theology IV - The Church & Last Things

Units: 3

TTTH 614

professional ministries that serve the Jewish community in roles such as Messianic congregational leader, outreach, missions worker, or educator. Includes opportunities for specialized study of the Bible and theological reflection with a focus on aspects of Jewish studies. Enrollment in concentration-specific courses is limited to students admitted to Messianic Jewish Studies concentration.

Third Year Fall Semester (15 units):

Educational Ministry in the Church Exegesis in the Epistles & Acts

Units: 3

TTCE 600

Units: 3

TTNT 605

Exegesis in Genesis & Selected Passages

Units: 3

TTOT 705

Expository Preaching

Units: 3

TTPT 609

As a result of this program the student will:

Personal Spiritual Direction

Units: 0

TTSF 585

Prayer & Formation in Expository Preaching

Units: 1

TTSF 602

1. Master the Hebrew language.

Choose one of the following courses:

2. Develop competency in Hebrew exegesis.

Field Internship

Units: 0 - 2

TTPT 791

3. Incorporate an understanding of Rabbinic thought and Old Testament Law in course studies and discipleship.

If TTPT 791 is chosen, it should be taken for 2 units.

Soul Care Practicum I

Units: 2

TTSF 677

4. Employ knowledge of Jewish culture and values effectively in diverse ministry situations.

Spring Semester (15 units):

Introduction to World Missions

Units: 3

ISCL 555

5. Develop skills of ministry specifically appropriate for the Jewish community, including the proficiencies that follow:

The Church & Society

Units: 3

TTPT 703

Personal Spiritual Direction

Units: 0

TTSF 585

Intensive Journey Inward & Retreat

Units: 1 - 4

TTSF 670

a. Students will be skilled in using Jewish liturgy in Messianic worship and practice (holidays, funerals, marriages, rites of passage, and music).

TTSF 670 should be taken for 1 unit.

Choose one of the following courses:

b. Students will speak and write with understanding about Jewish backgrounds of the Christian faith.


Units: 3

TTPH 602

Evangelism & Follow-Up

Units: 3

TTPT 510

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