
2. Be able to explain the general history and cultures relevant to the study of the Old and New Testament.

Curriculum (64-66 units)

First Year Fall Semester (16 units):

3. Be able to interpret and apply passages of the Old and New Testaments through use of the grammatical-historical method, including understanding the contribution of genre to the passage‚ ancient meaning and modern significance. Concentration-specific Requirements (33-35 units): Bible Exposition electives: 6 units General electives: 4-6 units TTNT 501 Beginning Greek I Units: 2 TTNT 502 Beginning Greek II Units: 2 TTNT 503 Introduction to Exegesis Units: 3 TTNT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels Units: 3 TTNT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles & Acts Units: 3 TTOT 603 Elements of Hebrew I Units: 3 TTOT 604 Elements of Hebrew II Units: 3


Concentration or electives*: 3 units TTBE 517

Hermeneutics & Bible Study Methods

Units: 3

Survey of Genesis - Malachi

Units: 3

TTBE 519

Introduction to Spiritual Theology and Formation

TTSF 501

Units: 2 - 3

TTSF 501 must be taken for 3 units.

Theological Research Methodologies Theology I - Introduction: Revelation & Nature of God

Units: 1

TTSS 510

TTTH 511

Units: 3

Spring Semester (16 units):

Concentration or electives*: 4 units TTBE 520

Survey of Matthew - Revelation Historical Theology Survey

Units: 3

Units: 3

TTHT 514

Select two 2-unit courses from:

Personal Foundations for Spiritual Formation

TTSF 503

Units: 2 - 3


Units: 2 - 3

TTBE 602

TTSF 503 must be taken for 3 units.


Units: 2 - 3

TTBE 604

Talbot Spiritual Direction Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man & Sin

Units: 0

TTSF 505

Matthew Romans

Units: 2 - 3

TTBE 608

TTTH 512

Units: 2 - 3

TTBE 610

Units: 3

Second Year Fall Semester (17 units):

Old Testament Concentration

Old Testament Concentration Learning Outcomes As a result of this program, the student will:

Concentration or electives*: 14 units TTSF 504

Spiritual Formation, Vocation, & the Disciplines Theology III - Christ, Salvation & the Spirit

Units: 0

1. Have a developing appreciation of the Old Testament through application of skills in the areas of Hebrew language, exegesis, and the historical-cultural setting of the Old Testament. 2. Have a developing appreciation for the value of studying Old Testament Hebrew for a better understanding of God’s written word. It is expected that the graduate will use an exegetical methodology for the Old Testament on a regular basis throughout his or her lifetime. 3. Be able to research the Old Testament using the exegetical tools of Hebrew language and archaeological and historical studies. It is expected that the insights into the biblical text will be more original and better supported as a result of the exegetical method. 4. Be able to research the New Testament using the exegetical tools associated with the Greek language. It is expected that the insights into the biblical text will be more original and better supported as a result of the exegetical method. 5. Be able to help others understand the textual history, historical accuracy, and key critical issues of the Old Testament in light of the latest findings and based on a thoroughly biblical world view.

TTTH 613

Units: 3

Spring Semester (15-17 units):

Concentration or electives*: 12 units Thesis** or Electives*: 0-2 units TTSF 505 Talbot Spiritual Direction

Units: 0

Theology IV - The Church & Last Things

Units: 3

TTTH 614

* Up to 6 graduate elective units may be taken in other schools in Biola University with advisor’s approval. ** Consult the Talbot Student Handbook for preliminary steps that must be completed prior to enrolling in the thesis course.


Bible Exposition Concentration

Bible Exposition Concentration Learning Outcomes As a result of this program, the student will:

1. Be able to identify the basic contents, backgrounds, and purpose of each book of the Old and New Testaments.

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