
Spring Semester (15 units):

6. Develop deeper understanding of the sinful dynamics at work in one’s life and others. Students will become more aware of the sinful dynamics that govern their lives and those they will be ministering to as well as a deeper appreciation of the origin of those dynamics from interaction with the Scriptures, psychological theory, philosophy, prayer projects and personal experience in therapy, retreats and spiritual direction. 7. Cultivate deeper intimacy with Christ in prayer. Students will personally nurture intimacy in their relationship to Christ in their meditation on the Word, experiential prayer projects, retreats, and personal experience in spiritual direction. 8. Grow in personal commitment to obedience and character of Christ. Students will cultivate growth in character as well as behavior consistent with the faith in their interaction with their spiritual directors, in projects of personal prayer and meditation on the Word, retreats and therapy. 9. Expose oneself to ministries of spiritual formation in the local church in courses and experience. Students will be exposed to the various ways spiritual formation may be part of the ministries of a local church in preaching, adult education and mentoring (through exposure in courses and experiences in retreats and spiritual direction). 10. Explore one’s calling to further education or training for ministry. Students will be given the opportunity to explore in prayer, courses, the community of the program, retreat and spiritual direction their own personal calling to the ministry, whether they should go on for more training in ministry and whether they should pursue further education in related academic areas. 11. Do master’s level research in spiritual formation. Students (except in unique cases) will write a master’s level thesis in the area of spiritual formation that, in part, will help them to determine their adequacy and desire for further education.

Elective: 3 units TTSF 532

Developmental Spirituality & Contemplative Prayer

Units: 2 - 3


TTSF 532 should be taken for 3 units.

Personality Development & Psychopathology Units: 3

TTSF 544

Personal Spiritual Direction Personal Retreat & Formation

Units: 0

TTSF 585

Units: 1 - 4

TTSF 672

TTSF 672 should be taken for 2 units.

Theological Research Methodologies

Units: 1

TTSS 510

Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man & Sin

TTTH 512

Units: 3

Second Year Fall Semester (15 units):

Elective: 3 units TTBE 519

Survey of Genesis - Malachi Personal Spiritual Direction

Units: 3

Units: 0

TTSF 585

Spiritual Formation & Theology Seminar Christian Virtue & the Spiritual Disciplines

Units: 3

TTSF 621

Units: 2 - 3

TTSF 645

TTSF 645 should be taken for 3 units.

Theology III - Christ, Salvation & the Spirit

Units: 3

TTTH 613

Interterm (3 units):

Spiritual Formation Seminar

Units: 3

TTSF 701

Spring Semester (18 units);

Survey of Matthew - Revelation History & Traditions of Christian Spirituality Personal Spiritual Direction Spiritual Disciplines Seminar Personal Retreat & Formation

Units: 3

TTBE 520

TTSF 531

Units: 3

Units: 0

TTSF 585

Units: 3

TTSF 642

Units: 1 - 4

TTSF 672

TTSF 672 should be taken for 2 units.

Spiritual Formation Project / Thesis

Units: 1 - 4

TTSF 740

TTSF 740 should be taken for 4 units.

Theology IV - The Church & Last Things

Units: 3

TTTH 614

Concentration-specific Requirements (66 units):

Students in the Spiritual Formation concentration will not take TTHT 514.


First Year Fall Semester (15 units):

Hermeneutics & the Word in Spiritual Formation Introduction to Christian Spirituality & Prayer

TTSF 517

Co-curricular Requirements

Units: 3

TTSF 521

See Institute For Spiritual Formation (Department) for full description.

Units: 2 - 3

TTSF 521 should be taken for 3 units.

History & Theory of Christian Soul Care & Direction

TTSF 524

Didactic Therapy Faculty-Student Retreats TTSF 585

Units: 2 - 3

TTSF 524 should be taken for 3 units.

Personal Spiritual Direction Personal Retreat & Formation

Units: 0

Personal Foundations of Spirituality & Retreat

TTSF 543

Units: 1 - 4

TTSF 672

Units: 1 - 3

TTSF 543 should be taken for 3 units.

Personal Spiritual Direction Theology I - Introduction: Revelation & Nature of God

Units: 0

TTSF 585

TTTH 511

Units: 3

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