As members of a Christian university community, program faculty believe that relating one’s faith to an academic discipline goes beyond the theoretical and cognitive. Opportunities for fellowship, dialogue and worship are seen as vital parts of the total educational process. Talbot School of Theology sponsors a weekly chapel service. Various discussion times over meals, a student retreat and other social activities provide an opportunity for informal, out-of-class interaction with faculty and students. Students are also encouraged to become involved in one of the many local churches in the Southern California area.
support needed from your school for your participation in this program (e.g., a doctoral mentor, and reduction of workload during the coursework phase). Ed.D.—Modified Residential Track The Ed.D. modified residential track is open to any person who meets the regular qualifications for admission to the residential Ed.D. program. Modified Residential Design Courses are offered in June (four weeks) and January (one week) each year. Preliminary and follow-up assignments are a part of each course. Courses are taken on our campus, allowing face-to face instruction and interaction with faculty and fellow-students. The coursework phase is designed to be completed in three years (Ed.D.) or four years (Ph.D.). Course requirements, candidacy examination, and dissertation requirements are the same as for the respective residential program. Cohort Approach New groups of students begin the program every year in June. Students work through the core courses together, with some choice of elective options to fit their study interests. Contact the Graduate Admissions office for more information on the schedule. Application for Admission Contact the Graduate Admissions office at Biola University for a more detailed brochure and application materials. Be sure to ask for informational materials regarding the specific program: the Ph.D. Current Faculty Track or the Ed.D. Modified Residential Track doctoral program in Educational Studies at Talbot School of Theology.
Degrees Offered
Doctor of Education Doctor of Philosophy
The Ed.D. and the Ph.D. programs generally share a common foundation of required core courses. Students selecting Talbot’s Ed.D. in Educational Studies are generally focused on improving their educational leadership and teaching in their practice of ministry leadership, while also developing knowledge and skills of research. Those choosing Talbot’s Ph.D. in Educational Studies degree are interested in combining educational ministry leadership and teaching with a strong emphasis in developing a competency in research and the contribution of theory to the practice of educational ministry. Research training in the Ph.D. program is primarily empirical with some opportunity for conceptual research as well. Both degree programs are offered in the normal residential format, or with a modified residential format, utilizing class sessions in January and June. Modified Residential Format Option For those who cannot locally access a doctoral program in education with Christian perspectives, we offer both of our doctoral degree programs in a special format. The use of modified residential coursework makes it possible for students to continue ministering with their current organizations while completing their Ph.D. or Ed.D. in Educational Studies. Two distinct tracks are available for each degree. Ph.D.—Current Faculty Track The current faculty track is open only to full-time or regular adjunct faculty in Christian higher education who meet the regular qualifications for admission to our residential Ph.D. program. It serves the needs of faculty called to teach within the broad fields of Christian education and practical theology who cannot relocate to pursue a program. Partnership with Your School: This track is designed to bring together resources and support from your school and from Talbot to help you complete your course of study. The application materials provide a full description of the
Graduation Requirements
While the doctorate is not awarded simply for completion of stated coursework, the Ph.D. degree requires 48-semester units including 21 units of core classes and 27 units of electives, plus the Candidacy Examination and Dissertation, whereas the Ed.D. degree requires 45-semester units including 18 units of core classes and 27 units of electives, plus the Candidacy Examination and Dissertation. The doctoral program director serves as the student’s initial advisor to assist in planning the schedule of courses. After this, an assigned advisor supervises the student’s progress in the program and the development of an elective program based on the two year projected schedule of courses being offered. Up to 6 units of graduate coursework directly related to the specialization may be taken in other departments at Biola University or transferred in from other accredited graduate institutions.
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