Sample Schedule: Doctor of Philosophy (PH.D.), Residential Format
In selecting a program of study, students may incorporate any electives offered (consult the two- year projected schedule of courses). In addition, sufficient latitude in designing elective course assignments permits students to pursue a variety of research interests. Courses are usually offered on a rotating basis every two or three years.
First Year Fall Term: 9 units
Elective #1: 3 units TTDE 801
Philosophical Issues in Educational Studies
Units: 3
Educational Research I: Descriptive Research & Statistics
TTDE 807
University Courses as Electives Up to six units of elective graduate course work directly related to the program of study may be taken in other departments at Biola University or transferred in from other accredited graduate institutions. For example, the following university courses may have some relevance for a student’s program. However, since enrollment may be limited, the student must obtain permission from the instructor and the dean of the school in which the course is offered.
Units: 3
January Module: 3 units
Theories of Teaching & Learning
Units: 3
TTDE 803
Theories of Leadership & Administration in Christian Higher Education
TTDE 804
Units: 3
Spring Term: 9 units
Talbot School of Theology TTTH 710 Pneumatology
Units: 2 - 3
Elective #2: 3 units TTDE 866
TTTH 710 should be taken for 2 units.
Educational Research II: Inferential Research & Statistics
Theology of Human Nature
Units: 2 - 3
TTTH 717
Units: 3
TTTH 717 should be taken for 2 units.
Doctoral Internship
Units: 1 - 3
TTDE 884
Advanced Ecclesiology
Units: 3
TTTH 817
TTDE 884 is to be taken for a minimum of 3 units.
Institute for Spiritual Formation Students interested in taking courses from the Institute for Spiritual Formation should consult with the Doctoral Program Director to determine if this is possible. Decisions are made on a case-by case basis.
June Module: 3 units
Elective #3: 3 units
Second Year Fall Term: 9 units
School of Intercultural Studies ISCL 744
Narrative as an Educational Philosophy
Units: 3
Elective #4: 3 units Elective #5: 3 units TTDE 867
Crosscultural Leadership
Units: 3
ISCL 765
Cross-cultural Issues in Spiritual Formation
Units: 3
ISCL 767
Educational Research III: Qualitative Research
Experiential Learning
Units: 3
ISCL 772
Units: 3
Educational Philosophies of the Great Religious Traditions
ISCL 815
Units: 3
January Module: 3 units
Alternative Delivery Systems in Education
Units: 3
ISCL 861
omparative Educational Systems
Elective #6: 3 units
Units: 3
ISCL 867
Spring Term: 9 units
Rosemead School of Psychology RSPY 610
Development of Religious Understanding in Children & Adolescents The Self: Theological, Philosophical, Psychological & Crosscultural Perspectives
Elective #7: 3 units TTDE 806
Units: 2
Theological Research & Integration for Educational Studies
RSPY 733
Units: 3
Units: 3
Educational Research IV: Interviewing & Focus Groups
TTDE 868
Maturity: Psychological & Theological Perspectives
RSTP 745
Units: 3
Units: 2
Candidacy Examination Orientation
Units: 0
TTDE 886
June Module: 3 units
Candidacy Examination See current Doctoral Program Handbook for a detailed explanation. Dissertation See the current Dissertation Guidelines for a detailed explanation.
Elective #8: 3 units
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