Candidacy Examination 0 Following the completion of all coursework or, in the final term of coursework, the student completes the various components of the Candidacy Exam. Certain components must be identified and approved prior to receiving a pre-registration signature. The student is considered full-time while enrolled for TTDE 887. Notes: Fee: $100.
TTDE 887
Dissertation Orientation Seminar
Required of both Ph.D. and Ed.D. students. The seminar includes attendance at sessions designed to orient the student to prepare for work on the dissertation proposal. To be taken during the last semester of coursework or during the candidacy exam semester (DE 887). Required for Ph.D. and Ed.D. students as a prerequisite to TTDE 889. Notes: No Fee. 3 Required of Ph.D. students only. After successfully completing the Candidacy Exam (DE 887) and Dissertation Orientation Seminar (DE 888 A), the student begins dissertation studies with enrollment in TTDE 889 for one semester to work through initial issues in the development of the dissertation proposal. Notes: Students are considered full-time for one semester, then move on to TTDE 891. Dissertation Proposal Development Dissertation 3 Following successful completion of TTDE 889, students enroll in TTDE 891 for fall and spring terms for up to two terms (Ed.D. students) or four terms (Ph.D. students), during which they are considered full-time students. A student must register for at least two terms of TTDE 891 and must be enrolled in TTDE 891 or 895 the semester of graduation. 0 Students enrolled in TTDE 895 Dissertation Extension will also be enrolled in TTDE 892 Program Extension upon the approval of the Doctoral Program committee. Notes: Fee: $100. Program Extension Dissertation Extension 3 If a student has not graduated after completing two terms (Ed.D) or four terms (Ph.D.) of TTDE 891, upon approval from the Doctoral Program Committee, the student must enroll in TTDE 895 each fall and spring term until the student graduates. The student will be considered less than half time. 0 For students who have been granted an official leave of absence from the doctoral program. A fee equivalent to one unit of tuition is normally charged. Leave of Absence
TTDE 889
TTDE 891
TTDE 892
TTDE 895
TTDE 897
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