* Registration for TTDM 895N–TTDM 898N are not necessary if the student submits the thesis-project at the end of year four. International students must complete the thesis-project by the end of the fourth year. If the thesis-project is not yet completed, the student will need to contact the Doctor of Ministry office to see whether the remaining coursework may be completed outside of the country.
Graduation Requirements
1. Complete the 6 courses and 3 post-residency projects required for their chosen specialization.
2. Achieve a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
3. Submit an acceptable thesis-project within six calendar years of their first residency.
Discipleship for the 21st Century Specialty Track
4. Adhere to the academic standards of Talbot School of Theology.
Year One TTDM 821N The Biblical Context
Degree Specialty Tracks
of Discipleship & the Person I
Units: 6
TTDM 822N The Biblical Context
Specialty tracks for the Doctor of Ministry Degree include:
of Discipleship & the Person II
Units: 6
TTDM 801N Year One Post Residency Project
Units: 0
• Advancing the Church
• Discipleship for the 21st Century
Year Two TTDM 823N Discipleship as the Ministry of the Church I TTDM 824N Discipleship as the Ministry of the Church II
• Effective Family Ministries
Units: 6
Units: 6
• Engaging Mind & Culture
TTDM 802N Year Two Post Residency Project
Units: 0
• Executive Pastor Leadership
Year Three TTDM 825N Discipleship & Community Relationships I TTDM 826N Discipleship & Community Relationships II
Units: 6
• Growing & Multiplying Churches in North America
Units: 6
• Ministry Skills
TTDM 803N Year Three Post Residency Project
Units: 0
• Preaching the Literary Forms of the Bible
Years Four, Five and Six TTDM 893N Year Four Thesis-Project I TTDM 894N Year Four Thesis-Project II TTDM 895N Year Five Thesis-Project I* TTDM 896N Year Five Thesis-Project II TTDM 897N Year Six Thesis-Project I TTDM 898N Year Six Thesis-Project II
Units: 0
Advancing the Church Specialty Track
Units: 0
Units: 0
Year One TTDM 809N Understanding Leadership
Units: 0
Units: 6
Units: 0
TTDM 810N Speaking as a Leader
Units: 6
Units: 0
TTDM 801N Year One Post Residency Project
Units: 0
TTDM 892N Thesis-Project Proposal Submission
Units: 0
TTDM 893N-898N Thesis-Project
Units: 0
Year Two TTDM 811N The Nature of the Church
Units: 6
* Registration for TTDM 895N–TTDM 898N are not necessary if the student submits the thesis-project at the end of year four. International students must complete the thesis-project by the end of the fourth year. If the thesis-project is not yet completed, the student will need to contact the Doctor of Ministry office to see whether the remaining coursework may be completed outside of the country.
TTDM 812N The Cultural Sensitivity of the Church TTDM 802N Year Two Post Residency Project
Units: 6
Units: 0
Year Three TTDM 813N Healing the Wounded Leader TTDM 814N Healing the Wounded Congregation TTDM 803N Year Three Post Residency Project
Units: 6
Units: 6
Units: 0
Years Four, Five and Six TTDM 893N Year Four Thesis-Project I TTDM 894N Year Four Thesis-Project II TTDM 895N Year Five Thesis-Project I* TTDM 896N Year Five Thesis-Project II TTDM 897N Year Six Thesis-Project I TTDM 898N Year Six Thesis-Project II
Effective Family Ministries Specialty Track
Units: 0
Units: 0
Year One TTDM 833N Developing Life Groups
Units: 0
Units: 0
& Transforming Communities
Units: 6
Units: 0
TTDM 834N Counseling Individuals, Couples & Families
Units: 6
Units: 0
TTDM 801N Year One Post Residency Project
Units: 0
TTDM 892N Thesis-Project Proposal Submission
Units: 0
TTDM 893N-898N Thesis-Project
Units: 0
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