TTDM 844N Reclaiming Worldviews & Culture II
TTDM 859N Leadership I
6 Students learn the character that is required of a Christian Leader. This study involves biblical exegesis, exposure to leadership literature, and interactive dialogue with current Christian leaders. Students engage in a self-assessment exercise to better understand their own character in light of what they have learned. 6 Students learn a variety of theories of leadership from the past as well as the present. Students are encouraged to critically evaluate these theories, and then propose a leadership theory that is compatible with Scripture and well-suited for their current ministry environment. 6 Students learn biblically compatible theories of pastoral care and hone critical counseling skills. Emphasis is also given to how students can transform their ministries into healing environments. 6 This course teaches students how to identify and respond redemptively to individuals and families in the wake of crisis, loss and trauma. Subjects such as death, disease, divorce and sexual abuse are discussed and examined both inductively and deductively. As a result of this course, students develop a crisis strategy for their ministries.
Students learn practical ministry implications of previous coursework. Students examine the nature of spiritual formation and discipleship, learn how to discern the voice of God and His guidance, learn how to foster a healthy, balanced experiential knowledge of God and His Spirit within the Christian religious tradition, and the criteria for discerning answers to prayer. Students also learn how to preach apologetically and how apologetics and worldview can be applied to youth ministry. 6 An introductory examination of the theology, history, principles, procedures, pathologies, and typologies for growing and multiplying churches in North America. The student develops a biblical perspective, engages the historical impact of different movements on churches in the USA, and analyzes a church ministry, developing bold plans for growth and health. Students will be introduced to the procedures for writing book reviews for publication. 6 Exploration of North American culture, principles, and methods for reaching secular non-Christian peoples, and the role of church leaders in developing healthy, growing churches. Students grow in their understanding of North American culture, learn how to reach people for Christ in our post-modern world, and investigate models and case studies of growing churches. 6 Examines the theology, skills, and strategies for bringing renewal and revival to existing churches. Students learn and apply ideas for turning around declining churches and renewing ones that have lost their vision and vitality. Students will be introduced to the procedures for writing articles for publication. 6 Advanced study of strategies and practices for effective church planting and multiplication. Insights on selecting and training effective church planters, birthing daughter churches, and using demographics will be explored. 6 Explores the challenges and opportunities for church growth and multiplication in the post-modern context. Analyzes the theology, procedures, and methods of new movements and emerging models. Students will be introduced to the procedures for writing a book manuscript for publication. 6 Examines cultural anthropology and multi-ethnic church growth and multiplication. A ministry strategy course designed to aid the student in understanding the opportunity, complexity, and methods for reaching people of differing ethnic backgrounds in North America. 6 Students learn the fundamentals of expository preaching. Students learn a definition of expository preaching, how to identify the idea of a natural unit of epistle literature, how to effectively outline a sermon for a post-modern audience, how to preach without notes, and how to analyze an audience. Students preach in class without notes.
TTDM 860N Leadership II
TTDM 845N Foundations of Biblical Church Growth & Multiplication
TTDM 861N Counseling I
TTDM 846N Evangelizing Secular Peoples
TTDM 862N Counseling II
TTDM 869N Preaching the Bible
TTDM 847N Turnaround Strategies
In this course, students wrestle with what it means to create a “biblical sermon.” Students work through a number of passages in order to understand the main idea of the text. Emphasis is placed on the importance of recognizing and respecting the genre of a biblical text throughout the preaching process. Students preach without notes at the end of the week and be evaluated by the professor as well as others in the class. 6 Since preachers always speak to particular people, this course focuses upon understanding the audience. Utilizing guest professors, the class learns how to analyze an audience and wrestle with how sermons can respond to communication challenges such as gender, age and culture. Students preach without notes at the end of the week and are evaluated by the professor as well as others in the class.
TTDM 848N Church Multiplication
TTDM 870N Preaching to Listeners
TTDM 849N Growing Ministries in the “New World” I
TTDM 871N Preaching Narratives
During this course, students learn the unique literary characteristics of biblical narratives and how to apply that knowledge to the hermeneutical and homiletical tasks of preaching. The class is both inductive and deductive in nature. Students preach in class without notes. 6 During this course, students engage in a fresh re-examination of the epistles. Students learn the unique literary characteristics of the epistle literature in the Bible and how to apply that knowledge to the hermeneutical and homiletical tasks of preaching. The class is both inductive and deductive in nature. Students preach in class without notes.
TTDM 850N Growing Ministries in the “New World” II
TTDM 872N Preaching Epistles
TTDM 857N Expository Preaching
TTDM 873N Preaching Apocalyptic Literature
During this course, students learn the unique literary characteristics of biblical apocalyptic literature and how to apply that knowledge to the hermeneutical and homiletical tasks of preaching. The class is both inductive and deductive in nature. Students preach in class without notes.
TTDM 858N Narrative Preaching
Students learn the unique literary characteristics of biblical narratives and how to apply that knowledge to the hermeneutical and homiletical tasks of preaching. The class is both inductive and deductive in nature. Students preach in class without notes.
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