
TTDM 874N Preaching Poetic, Prophetic, Law & Proverb


During this course, students learn the unique literary characteristics of the poetic, prophetic, law and proverbial literature in the Bible, and how to apply that knowledge to the hermeneutical and homiletical tasks of preaching. The class is both inductive and deductive in nature. Students preach in class without notes.


TTDM 887N Leave of Absence


Leave of absence due to emergency. Notes: Fee: $100.

TTDM 888N Seminar: Selected Topics

1-6 Seminars offered by special lecturers or visiting scholars addressing areas of specific interest. Notes: May be repeated for credit.

TTDM 889N Independent Study


A directed individual study whereby the student may do advanced reading or research into an area of special interest. A proposal must be prepared according to guidelines available in the DMin office and approved by the DMin director. 0 First time submission of final thesis-project proposal. Notes: Fee: $1,000.

TTDM 892N Thesis-Project Proposal Submission

TTDM 893N-898N Thesis-Project

0 Research, compilation and preparation for final thesis-project.

Doctoral Project Continuation 0 After completing all coursework necessary for progression to TTDM 899, students not prepared to present the project must enroll in TTDM 894. This course is repeatable for a maximum of 3 consecutive semesters. If a student does not complete the doctoral project by the end of the fifth year of the program, TTDM 895 enrollment will be required for program continuation. 0 For students not prepared to register for the doctoral project after the allotted number of registrations for TTDM 894 have been used. A Program Extension Application must be completed by the student and approved by the Doctor of Ministry office for registration. May be repeated to a maximum of 4 consecutive semesters. The number of semesters Program Extension approved for extension is subject to the discretion of the Doctor of Ministry office. Prerequisite: demonstration of need for more time and steady progress toward project completion. Notes: Fee: $250.

TTDM 894

TTDM 895

Doctoral Project


TTDM 899

Students must complete a doctoral project to meet the requirements for graduation. See Doctoral Project guidelines. This course is only available to students admitted prior to Fall 2007.

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