Advanced Hermeneutics 2-3 A seminar focusing upon issues in philosophical hermeneutics and the philosophy of language with special attention to the nature of the Bible and its application. Prerequisite: TTBE 517. 2-3 A seminar focusing on selected technical and practical issues in the field of biblical exposition. Prerequisite: TTBE 726. Issues in Biblical Exposition World of the Old Testament 2-3 A presentation of the cultural development of the Holy Land and nations of the Fertile Crescent in relation to Israel, the strategic location of the Holy Land, the climate and topography, and the location of important place names. 2-3 An expositional study of key passages and themes in Psalms, Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes. Special emphasis is given to the characteristics of Old Testament poetry, the unique purposes of Old Testament wisdom and hymnic literature and the theological relevance of each book in ministry today. Old Testament Wisdom & Poetry The Life of Christ 2-3 A chronological and expositional study of Jesus Christ’s life on earth, emphasizing the historical, cultural and theological interpretation of key events and teachings in Christ’s life, as well as the similarities/differences of the four gospel accounts. 3 Special course work for TTBE majors who wish to study a particular area of Bible exposition. Notes: Elective for Th.M. students. Bible Exposition Seminar Exposition of Central Prophetic Passages 3 A special concentration on exposition of selected prophecies with regard to culture, views and the integration of the passages with an overall biblical picture. Notes: Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.
TTBE 740
TTBE 741
TTBE 743
TTBE 750
TTBE 770
TTBE 806
TTBE 811
Directed Research
TTBE 880
Supervised research in selected areas of biblical studies. Notes: Elective for Th.M. students.
Research Seminar
TTBE 891
Discussion and application of the central areas of Bible Exposition research and related fields of study. Instruction in research, including the identification of a problem, the steps undertaken to resolve a problem, and writing the results. Notes: Fee: $50.
Research Seminar
TTBE 892
Discussion and application of the central areas of Bible Exposition research and related fields of study. Instruction in research, including the identification of a problem, the steps undertaken to resolve a problem, and writing the results. Notes: A second semester taken to continue research in an area of interest.
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