
Christian Education

Foundations of the Teaching-Learning Process 3 Investigation into the major issues of educational psychology, including learning theory, motivation, learning styles, and instructional methodologies with direct application to classroom use. Integration of theology and psychology an emphasis. Required of M.A.C.E. students. When Offered: Offered fall semester.

TTCE 521



Counseling Adolescents & Their Parents


TTCE 543

An overview of the issues related to providing pastoral counseling to adolescents and their parents including addictive behavioral problems, abnormal developmental concerns, intervention and enrichment counseling and awareness of when and to whom to refer adolescents for professional therapy. When Offered: Offered fall, even years. Theological & Theoretical Foundations of Human Nature & Development 3 A study of the relationship between faith, intellect, personality, morality and culture as it relates to spiritual formation and development. Provides biblical, theological, psychological and sociocultural knowledge about human nature and development for the purpose of assisting students to develop holistic ministry implications for various teaching contexts. Required of M.A.C.E. students. When Offered: Offered spring semester. Parachurch Youth Ministry 2 Focus on the various types of parachurch ministry to junior high and high school age students available. Includes principles which make parachurch youth ministry different from local church youth ministry and principles for beginning a new parachurch campus club. Elective. By arrangement. 3 Emphasis on personal and interpersonal growth through individual assignments and small group interactions. Opportunity given for spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and relational development, with attention to intercultural contexts. Required of two year M.A.C.E. students. When Offered: Offered spring semester. Personal & Interpersonal Development Youth Group Development & Programming 2 A step by step approach to the building of a youth group and developing a yearly youth group ministry program. Emphasis may be on either junior high or high school age group and course will contain an emphasis on development of community within the group. Notes: Required of M.A.C.E. in Youth Ministry students. Offered spring, odd years. 2 Designed for students who desire a specific course content not covered in any of the regularly offered classes. May be taken twice with different emphases. Content will differ based on need / interest. Possible required fee. Notes: Admission to course by advisor approval. By arrangement. Special Studies in Christian Education Educational Ministry in the Church 3 Analysis of ministries of edification as they relate to the personal, congregational and administrative aspects of ministry with people of all ages. Focus is on the explanation of various methods and resources available for ministry and on the development of individual skills in communicating and leading in these ministries. Required of M.A. (Biblical & Theological Studies) and M.Div. (except Christian Education and Messianic Jewish Studies) students. When Offered: Offered fall / spring.

Michael J. Anthony, Ph.D.


Anthony, Dirks, Issler, Lawson


Carr, J. Kim, Leyda

Associate Professors

TTCE 554


Research Professor


The aim of the department of Christian education is that of developing Christian educators who understand the significance of an educational ministry and who possess the skills necessary to function as Christian educators. To this end, course offerings have been designed to blend theory and practice. Most elective courses are designed for tracking to accommodate the student’s vocational specialization.

TTCE 555

TTCE 562


Foundations of Leadership 3 Investigation into leadership theory and practice leading to the development of a bibliocentric philosophy of leadership; practice in basic leadership skills; study of application of concepts in the church and parachurch agencies. Elective. By arrangement. 3 An analysis of leadership and administrative principles and processes as they apply to the church and parachurch agencies. Special attention to the relation of administrative functions and ministry. Required of M.Div. (Christian Education), M.A.C.M.L. (Women’s Ministries), and M.A.C.E. students. When Offered: Offered spring semester. Educational Leadership & Administration Women & Men in Christian Ministry 2 An investigation of the role of women and men in ministry and leadership in the light of Scripture. Also includes a discussion of issues men and women in the ministry face when working together. Elective. Required of M.A.C.M.L. (Women’s Ministries). When Offered: Fall. 2 An in-depth look at issues surrounding the development, supervision, and support of volunteer staff as well as the dynamics of multiple-staff ministry and ways to enhance the work of ministry teams. Required of Accelerated M.A.C.E. students. When Offered: Offered spring, odd years. Staff Development

TTCE 511

TTCE 566

TTCE 512

TTCE 570

TTCE 514

TTCE 600

TTCE 518

Missionary Education


TTCE 612

Objectives, programming, activities and administrative methods of implementing a program of missionary education. Investigation into the auxiliary organization of the church’s educational program through which missions are taught. Notes: Elective. By arrangement.

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