
Principles of Curriculum Development 2 Consideration of essential elements in curriculum formation. Intensive study of varied existing curricula. Analysis of contemporary trends in curriculum production. Prerequisite: TTCE 521. Notes: Elective. Offered interterm / summer by arrangement. Theology, History & Philosophy of Ministry 3 Investigation into the theological, historical, and philosophical foundations which underlie Christian ministry. Examines the development of educational ministry as a discipline, reflecting on the tradition we have inherited and considering the changing ministry scene. Also includes an investigation of current practices of ministry through an analytical perspective. Designed to help the minister evaluate ministry programs and respond with remedial or enrichment strategies. Required of M.A.C.E. and M.Div. (Christian Education non-thesis) students. When Offered: Spring. Child Development & Teaching I (Birth-Age 5) 2 A study of the development of the child from birth to age 5 with an emphasis on the development of effective educational approaches and teaching processes that encourage moral, cognitive, and social development, and growth in knowledge of and faith in God. When Offered: Offered spring, even years. Notes: Required of M.A.C.E. in Children’s Ministry students. 2 A study of the development of the child from ages 6-12 with an emphasis on the development of effective educational approaches and teaching processes that encourage moral, cognitive, and social development, and growth in knowledge of and faith in God. When Offered: Offered spring, odd years. Notes: Required of M.A.C.E. in Children’s Ministry students. Child Development & Teaching II (Ages 6-12) Christian Education Research: Study of Church in Culture 3 Introduction to basic methods of Christian education research including the use of observation, interview, and program assessment with an emphasis on the development of critical thinking skills and writing. Course helps students understand church and parachurch ministries in their sociocultural settings, and enables students to make ministries more relevant and effective. Theological research is included. Students develop the ministry research project requirement as a part of this course. When Offered: Offered fall semester. Notes: Required of all M.A.C.E. students. 2 An exploration and assessment of various contemporary approaches to children’s ministry, from birth to age 12. Includes practice in the development of ministry strategies involving family, community, and church resources. When Offered: Offered fall, odd years. Notes: Required of M.A.C.E. in Children’s Ministry students. Models of Children’s Ministry Independent Study 1-2 In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Christian Education department using standard research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment is by advisor’s approval. When Offered: spring Notes: Elective. By arrangement. 1-2 In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Christian Education department using standard research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment is by advisor’s approval. When Offered: Fall. Notes: Elective. By arrangement. Independent Study

Current Trends in Christian Education 2 Identifying and understanding those issues that are of primary concern to the field of Christian education today. Opportunity will be provided for individual and group research in areas of personal concern. The course will investigate current educational trends, alternative church education patterns and new forms of ministry. Notes: Elective. By arrangement. 2 The place of music in the church’s program. Criteria for the selection of appropriate music. Techniques for leading music and teaching various groups. The relationship of music to worship, instruction and fellowship. Notes: Elective. By arrangement. Music in the Church Current Trends in Children’s Ministry 2 Examines contemporary movements and trends in children’s ministry. Addresses legal, social, and administrative issues surrounding the practice of children’s ministry today. When Offered: Offered fall, even years.

TTCE 616

TTCE 638


TTCE 622

TTCE 644

TTCE 646

TTCE 624

Current Trends in Youth Ministry


TTCE 648

Emphasis on trends and issues related to life on a contemporary junior high or high school public school campus. Includes principles for development of relationships between the youth minister and local school administrators which will enable both to function effectively. Also contains principles for blending students from public, parochial and Christian campuses into your youth group. When Offered: Offered spring, even years. Notes: Elective. 2 Development and administration of media for ministry. Uses of the computer, print, audio, video, mixed media and multimedia technology for promotion, education and motivation. Notes: Elective. By arrangement. Instructional Technology Adolescent Culture & Development 2 Finding and meeting adolescent needs, writing objectives for youth ministry, leadership of learning experiences and outreach experiences, disciple-building and review of available resources. Development of personal plans for ministry. Required of M.A.C.E. in Youth Ministry students. When Offered: Offered fall, even years. Youth Education & Leadership 2 Emphasis on the leadership role in the local church, college campuses and mission field. Development of a youth leadership program within the local church. Study of extrachurch organizations and parent-teen relationships and ministry emphasized. Required of M.A.C.E. in Youth Ministry students. When Offered: Offered fall, odd years. Family Life Education in the Local Church 2 Examines organization and administration of a program of family life education in the local church. Includes an analysis of current trends in family life education. When Offered: Offered fall, odd years. 2 A study of issues and developmental tasks of adults. Attention to the ministry of meeting the needs and utilizing the potential of adults. When Offered: Offered spring. Notes: Elective. Adult Development & Education Camp Leadership 2 The philosophy, objectives, administration, program and leadership of a church-related camp. The use of worship, study, crafts, recreation and counseling in church camping. Investigation into trends of camping, centralized and decentralized camping. Techniques in planning and directing a camp program, including counselor training. When Offered: Offered interterm / summer. Notes: Elective.

TTCE 626

TTCE 649

TTCE 633

TTCE 661

TTCE 663

TTCE 635

TTCE 675

TTCE 636

TTCE 678

TTCE 637

TTCE 683

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