ChristianMinistry & Leadership
Contemporary Biblical Preaching
TTPT 610
A study of factors leading to preaching effectiveness, including: creative preaching forms, speaker credibility, listener motivation, auditorium size and shape, filing systems and organizing the work week. Prerequisite: TTPT 609. Notes: Required of M.Div. (Pastoral & General Ministries; Evangelism & Discipleship) students.
Practical Theology Seminar
TTPT 611
Discussion of one or more facets of the ministry with an emphasis on serving in the local church. Notes: Elective.
Don Sunukjian, Th.D., Ph.D.
Boersma, Edwards, R. Johnson, McIntosh, Sunukjian, J. TenElshof
Church Growth & Church Planting in the USA 3 A study of the biblical principles and practices for church growth and church planting in the North American context. Special emphasis placed on defining current trends and contemporary models of ministry. Notes: Required of M.Div. (Evangelism & Discipleship) students.
TTPT 614
Principles & Practice of Worship
TTPT 620
The purpose of the Christian Ministry & Leadership department is to prepare the student for three areas of service: to lead the body of Christ in worship; to lead and equip Christians to build up one another; and to train them to reach their community for Christ.
A study of the theology and practice of congregational worship from a biblical, psychological, practical, and historical perspective. The course includes an analysis of contemporary styles, and the development of basic skills for leading congregational worship. Notes: Elective. 2 A study of various factors that impact the effectiveness of a second generation English ministry with a first generation Asian church. These factors include how immigration history and family structure shape leadership style and church The Asian Church in the American Society structure. Since these structures contribute to on-going conflict with American societal values, biblical principles are explored to personally and corporately address conflict resolution. 2 A research and discussion based symposium addressing various issues related to pastoral ministry within the Asian American context. Among the many issues addressed are inter- generational, theological, and ministry philosophy concerns. Notes: Recommended for all students interested in or currently involved with Asian American Ministries. Elective. Issues in Asian-American Ministry Group Counseling Leadership 3 Learn group leadership skills that can be applied to various contexts including church, counseling and community. Course focuses on content and skills development and you will actually lead a new group with supervision provided through the course. 2 Counseling techniques applied to dating and courtship, engagement and premarital adjustments. Principles and structures of premarital counseling are stressed and demonstrated. Emphasis on the use of TJTA, Prepare and Family History analysis. When Offered: Fall. Prerequisite: TTPT 707 or permission of professor. Premarital Preparation & Counseling Marital Counseling 3 Explores the foundations of marriage and marital conflict from Scriptural and psychological perspectives. Reviews approaches to counseling and explores change and growth procedures and skills. When Offered: Fall. Prerequisite: TTPT 707. Notes: Required of M.Div. (Pastoral Care & Counseling) students. 3 This course is designed to prepare a student to validate, develop and maintain a biblical, contemporary ministry to women in or through the local church. Key foundational issues such as philosophy of ministry, leadership development, life stages of women, current and future trends and program development will be addressed. Notes: Required of M.A.C.M.L. (Women’s Ministries) students. Foundations of Women’s Ministries
TTPT 621
Courses (TTPT)
Evangelism & Follow-Up
TTPT 510
The biblical principles and practice of evangelism and discipleship. The class will seek to develop the skills of personal evangelism, determine strategies for a discipleship ministry. Notes: Required of M.Div. and M.A. (Biblical & Theological Studies) students. Introduction to Field Education 1 Introduction into the practical elements of ministry. Emphasis will be placed on career planning, field experience and preparation for Field Education Internship in the M.Div. program. Notes: Required of M.Div. students. Field Education II 0 Weekly involvement in ministry with satisfactory completion of student’s self-evaluation form and supervisor’s evaluation form. Prerequisite: TTPT 591. Notes: Required of M.Div. students. 3 A study of a pastor’s call, purpose, and role in ministry. Special attention will be given to providing leadership in worship, music, ordinances, weddings, funerals, and hospital and home visitation. Notes: Required of M.Div. (Pastoral & General Ministries, Christian Education) students. Pastoral Ministry Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy 3 Study of ministry to the physically, emotionally or relationally sick, crisis ministry, and ministry to the dying and bereaved. The special nature and demands of hospital and military chaplaincy and hospice ministry will also be studied. When Offered: fall. Prerequisite: TTPT 707. Notes: Required of M.Div. (Pastoral Care & Counseling), and M.A.C.M.L. (Pastoral Care & Counseling) students. 3 The process of preparation that results in sermons that are biblically accurate, easy to follow, interesting to listen to and relevant to contemporary needs. Prerequisites: M.Div. TTBE 517, TTNT 503; M.A. TTBE 517. Notes: Required of M.Div. students and M.A.C.M.L. (Women’s Ministries). Expository Preaching
TTPT 625
TTPT 591
TTPT 626
TTPT 592
TTPT 627
TTPT 602
TTPT 628
TTPT 604
TTPT 634
TTPT 609
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