Toward a Philosophy of Ministry to Women 3 A study of New Testament essentials leading to a model for ministry to women, with an emphasis on strategic planning and an evaluative review of major parachurch ministries to women. Notes: Required of M.A.C.M.L. (Women’s Ministries) students. Evangelizing & Ministering to Women in a Post-Modern Culture 3 A survey of the transition from pre-modern to post-modern in American church culture, with tools to attract and encourage women as they deal with contemporary issues such as feminism, depression, sexual abuse, abortion, eating disorders, and electronic temptations. Notes: Required of M.A.C.M.L. (Women’s Ministries) students. Family Issues in Women’s Ministry 3 Developing ministry approaches to women facing common family issues such as divorce, single parenting, caring for aging parents, balancing work and home, breast cancer, infertility, singleness and widowhood. Notes: Required of M.A.C.M.L (Women’s Ministries) students. Survey of Biblical & Historical Women in Ministry 3 A study of biblical women who played key roles in Israel and the early church, and of women’s contributions through the centuries to the spread of the gospel and the establishment of Christian thought and institutions. Notes: Required of M.A.C.M.L. (Women’s Ministries) students. Developing Leadership Teams 3 The principles and practice of developing leadership teams, mentor relationships, and discipleship emphases in ministries to women. Notes: Required of M.A.C.M.L. (Women’s Ministries) students. 0 Weekly involvement in ministry with satisfactory completion of student’s self-evaluation form and supervisor’s evaluation form. Prerequisites: TTPT 591, 592. Notes: Required of M.Div. students, except M.Div. Pastoral Care & Counseling students. Field Education III Field Education IV 0 Weekly involvement in ministry with satisfactory completion of student’s self-evaluation form, supervisor’s evaluation form and sermon evaluation form. Prerequisite: TTPT 591, 592, 691. Notes: Required of M.Div. students, except M.Div. Pastoral Care & Counseling students. 1-2 Directed experience in preparation, enrichment, equipping and remedial ministries in selected churches and agencies. Prerequisite: TTPT 707. Notes: May be taken for a maximum of four units. Required of M.A.C.M.L. (Pastoral Care & Counseling) students in their final semesters. Pastoral Care & Counseling Internship Women’s Ministries Internship 1-2 Directed experience in preparation, enrichment, equipping and remedial ministries in selected churches and agencies. Prerequisite: TTPT 707. Notes: May be taken for a maximum of four units. Required of M.A.C.M.L. (Women’s Ministries) students in their final semesters. 3 A study of biblical ethics and the role the local church plays in the community. Special attention will be given to major social problems such as sanctity of life, chemical abuse, domestic violence, social ills, and the political process. Notes: Required of M.A.C.M.L. (Pastoral Care & Counseling) and M.Div. (except Missions & Intercultural Studies) students. The Church & Society
Personal Foundations of Ministry 2 Focused on the importance of self-understanding for spiritual and emotional well-being as well as effective ministry to hurting people, an investigation of the impact of personal and family history on theological outlook, emotional congruence, relational attractions and moral decisions. Several personal assessments as well as one or more therapy sessions are an integral part of this course. Notes: Required in first semester at Talbot. Required of M.Div. and M.A. students. Fee: $60. Grading on a Credit / No Credit basis. 2 Explores ministry to people who request counseling in church and para-church contexts. Starting with relationship building skills, students will discover their limits in help-giving, and learn appropriate referral process. Much of the course focus will then be an exploration of building small communities within a church ministry. Notes: Required of M.Div. and M.A. (except Philosophy) students. Foundations of Pastoral Care & Counseling Advanced Pastoral Counseling 3 This course moves beyond learning relationship skills to developing skills that help people with the realization of physical, spiritual, emotional and moral issues in their lives. Secondly, there is a focus on skills that help people take responsibility for the awareness they have gained. The spiritual transformation process is integrated into the development of these skills. Prerequisites: TTPT 706, 707. Notes: Required of M.Div. and M.A.C.M.L. (Pastoral Care & Counseling) students. 0 Each student is required to participate in a semester-long mentoring group. This is an opportunity to build more intimate relationships with God, other students, and a spiritual mentor and to experience God’s present action in their life. Spiritual Mentoring Group is to be taken in the semester immediately following TTPT 706. An overnight spiritual retreat is required. Required in second semester at Talbot. Notes: Required of all M.Div. and M.A. students. Fee: $150. Grading is on a Credit / No Credit basis. Spiritual Mentoring Group
TTPT 635
TTPT 706
TTPT 636
TTPT 707
TTPT 637
TTPT 708
TTPT 638
TTPT 639
TTPT 709
TTPT 691
Advanced Sermon Preparation
TTPT 711
TTPT 692
This course will assist advanced students to hone their preaching skills. Students will interact with the professor and various established preachers on issues such as the practice and ethics of persuasion, varieties of personal style and delivery, and planning a preaching calendar. Prerequisite: TTPT 609. Notes: Elective. 2 A study of the tractate of the Mishnah called Pirke Avot, the Ethics of the Fathers, with a view toward comparing these rabbinic teachings with the wisdom literature of the Hebrew Scriptures, the revelation of the New Testament, and the issues of ethics in contemporary society. Attention will be given to the interrelatedness of this Jewish tradition with biblical ethics incumbent upon Messianic Jewish congregations. Ethics of the Fathers Addressing Common Pastoral Counseling Concerns 3 A study of some of the common concerns presented to pastors and pastoral care leaders. Issues such as ADD and related disorders, alcohol and substance abuse, anger, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, loss and grief, self-image and identity disorders, sexual addictions and pornography, and suicide will be studied. Specific interventions will be studied to augment the overall helping processes learned in other classes. The integration of theology and psychology will be prominent in this course as well. When Offered: Spring. Prerequisite: TTPT 706 and TTPT 707 or consent. Notes: Required of M.Div. and M.A.C.M.L. (Pastoral Care & Counseling) students.
TTPT 696
TTPT 712
TTPT 699
TTPT 716
TTPT 703
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