Add / Drops
Student’s Records
Course registration changes are made online on WebReg (free) or in person ($5) by submitting an Add / Drop form to the Office of the Registrar. Courses may be added to the student’s schedule during the first two weeks of the semester only. Courses may be dropped until the end of the eighth week of the semester. There is a $15 fee for each approved Late Add / Drop. A student who stops attending a class but does not submit an Add / Drop form will not be automatically dropped from the class and will receive a grade of Unofficial Withdrawal (UW) for the course. Courses dropped during the first two weeks of the semester will not be recorded on the student’s permanent record. Courses dropped between the ninth week and the end of the semester will be recorded with a grade of “UW.” Courses dropped between the third and eighth week will be recorded with the grade of “W.”
Enrollees are advised that the University maintains school and student records for no longer than a five–year period beyond the student’s final term of enrollment, with the exception of the transcripts and the academic record.
Regular class attendance is expected of all students. Classes are conducted in a manner that will encourage academic excellence and the growth of Christian character. The final authority for attendance and any effect that it might have upon grades rests with the individual faculty member. This is due to the tremendous variety of class size and purpose, and the specific requirements in attendance. Visitors and current students may visit a class for a maximum of one week (or the equivalent thereof, based on a 15– week course). After one week, registration in credit or audit status for the course(s) is required.
Official withdrawal from enrollment in the University is made by submitting a completed Departure Form to the Office of the Registrar. Students may officially withdraw until the end of the eighth week of the semester. Students who drop from enrollment at any time during the semester but do not submit a Departure Form, or withdraw from enrollment during the ninth through the 15th week of the semester, are considered unofficially withdrawn. Unofficially withdrawn students will not receive a refund of any portion of tuition or fees and will receive grades of “UW” or “F” for their courses. Students departing the University for longer than one year will be required to follow the current catalog at the time of their readmission. Students may petition for an exception.
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