Computer Science
Computer Science Faculty Chair: William R. Wade, Ph.D.
CSCI 311 - Operating Systems
Credits 3
Computer operating systems; topics include time sharing, process communication, memory management, storage allocation, interrelationships between the operating system and the architecture of
computer systems. When Offered: Fall. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: CSCI 106 and CSCI 220. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. CSCI 335 - User Interface Design and Programming
Professor: McCarty, Wade Associate Professor: Lin Courses
Computer Science (CSCI) CSCI 103 - Computer Applications
Credits 3 User interface design, implementation, and evaluation; event-driven programming in GUI applications and web applications; user-centered design methodologies. When Offered: Alternate years. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: CSCI 106. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. CSCI 400 - Theory of Algorithms Credits 3 Various types of algorithms, analytic techniques for the determination of algorithmic efficiency, NP-complete problems, complexity hierarchies, and intractable problems. When Offered: Alternate years. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: CSCI 106; MATH 112 or MATH 204. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. CSCI 402 - Database Management Credits 3 Integrated database systems, logical organization, data description language (DDL), data manipulation language (DML), of hierarchical networks and relational databases, overview of selected database
Credit 1 Introduction to computer applications using programs such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. Note(s): May be taken multiple times for credit with a different topic. May not be counted toward the major. Does not count toward General Education. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. CSCI 104 - The Nature of Computing Credits 2 The history of computing machines. Computer logic and binary arithmetic. Elementary concepts of computers. Elementary programming. Societal impact of computers. Note(s): Approved for General Education Math credit. May not be counted toward the major. Grade Mode: A.
Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. CSCI 105 - Introduction to Computer Science
Credits 3
Introduction to computer hardware and software. Problem solving methods. Elementary concepts of algorithm development. C++ programming. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours lecture, one hour lab. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. CSCI 106 - Data Structures Credits 3 Linear lists, strings, arrays and orthogonal lists; graphs, trees, binary trees, multi-linked structures, searching and sorting techniques, dynamic storage allocation; applications. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: CSCI 105. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. CSCI 220 - Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming Credits 3 Fundamentals of digital logic and the architecture of modern computer systems, machine level representation of data, memory system organization, structure of machine languages, assembly language
management systems (DBMS). When Offered: Alternate years. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: CSCI 230. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. CSCI 430 - Computer Communications
Credits 3 Concepts of computer communications, local area networks, seven layers of communication protocols, global networks. When Offered: Spring. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: CSCI 311.
Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. CSCI 440 - Topics in Computer Science
Credits 3
Topics are selected from the following: Compiler Theory: The theory of languages and their implementation. Systems Programming: Design and implementation of language translators and system utilities. Theory of Computation: Concepts from theoretical computer science, finite state concepts, decidability, computability, and Turing machines. Computer Graphics: Computer interactive graphics, software structures, screen display, and graphical techniques. Artificial Intelligence: Concepts and techniques of artificial intelligence, representation, search strategies, control, communication and perception, and applications. Note(s): Course may be taken multiple times for credit with different content. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: CSCI 106. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level.
programming. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: CSCI 105. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. CSCI 230 - Programming Languages
Credits 3 Organization and structure of programming languages. Runtime behavior and requirements of programs. Introduction to programming language specifications and analysis. Study of various alternative languages such as Java, C++ and Python. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: CSCI 106. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level.
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