NURS 212 - Nursing of the Patient/Family I - Clinical
Credits 3
MUSC 482 - Music Research Methods Credits 2 This course is designed to develop the student's music research skills and to provide opportunity for individual research projects in preparation for the intellectual demands of graduate-level studies. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. MUSC 490 - Senior Recital Credits 2 Preparation for senior-level performance recital (Length: 60 minutes). Grade Mode: C. Prerequisites: MUSC 119. Restrictions: Must be Senior Class; and must be Undergraduate Level. Fees: $65. Nursing Faculty Interim Director: Anne L. Gewe, M.S.N., Ph.D. Professor: Gewe Associate Professors: Bacon, Campbell, Dixon, Kobayashi, Styffe, Van Niekerk Assistant Professors: Allen, Fallon Instructor : Gramatky Courses Nursing (NURS) NURS 112 - Introduction to Professional Nursing Credit 1 This course will introduce the student to professional nursing care of diverse and vulnerable populations across the globe. Course discussion will include the history, education, practice roles, national and state standards of practice and caring ministry of the Christian professional nurse. Note(s): This course is required for admission into the clinical nursing program. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must not be Freshman Class; and must be Undergraduate Level. NURS 204 - Essentials of Clinical Nursing Pharmacology Credits 2 Use of the nursing process in the administration of medication. Note(s): Course may be challenged for the credits listed. Grade Mode: A. Corequisites: NURS 217, NURS 218, NURS 219. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. NURS 211 - Nursing of the Patient/Family I - Theory Credits 3 First of three core courses on medical-surgical nursing care of diverse populations. Introduces the student to pathophysiology of disease, the evidence-based knowledge and skill needed for quality nursing patient care, and for nursing as Christian ministry. Note(s): Acceptance into the clinical nursing program required. Course may be challenged for the credits listed. Grade Mode: A. Corequisites: NURS 212, NURS 213, NURS 306, NURS 307. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fees: $90.
Clinical application of NURS 211 content. Note(s): Must earn at least a "C" (2.) for credit. Course may be challenged for the credits listed. Grade Mode: C. Corequisites: NURS 211, NURS 213, NURS 306, NURS 307. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fees: $40. NURS 213 - Nursing of the Patient/Family I - Nursing Application Lab Credit 1 Simulation and skills laboratory practice required for NURS 212 clinical application. Note(s): Must earn at least 80% on lab exams to receive credit. Course may be challenged for the credits listed. Grade Mode: C. Corequisites: NURS 211, NURS 212, NURS 306, NURS 307. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. NURS 217 - Nursing of the Patient/Family II - Theory Credits 4 Second of three core courses on medical-surgical nursing care of diverse populations. Expands student learning of disease pathophysiology and the evidence-based knowledge, applied reasoning and skill needed for quality and Christian nursing care. Note(s): Course may be challenged for the credits listed. Grade Mode: A, N. Prerequisites: NURS 211, NURS 306.
Corequisites: NURS 204, NURS 218, NURS 219. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fees: $90. NURS 218 - Nursing of the Patient/Family II - Clinical
Credits 3
Clinical application of NURS 217 theory, reasoning and skill. Note(s): Must earn at least a "C" (2.) for credit. Course may be challenged for the credits listed. Grade Mode: C, N. Corequisites: NURS 204, NURS 217, NURS 219. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fees: $40. NURS 219 - Nursing of the Patient/Family II - Nursing Application Lab Credit 1 Simulation and skills laboratory practice necessary for NURS 218 clinical application. Note(s): Must earn at least 80% on lab exams to receive credit. Course may be challenged for the credits listed. Grade Mode: C. Corequisites: NURS 204, NURS 217, NURS 218. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. NURS 230 - Clinical Topics in Nursing Credits 1-3 Allows students to explore issues related to nursing prior to attaining upper-division status. Note(s): May be taken for a total of 9 credits with different content. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fees: $40. NURS 232 - Clinical Experiences in Nursing Credits 1-4 Allows students the opportunity to gain additional clinical nursing experience prior to attaining upper-division status. Note(s): May be taken for a total of 12 credits with different content. Must earn at least a "C" (2.) for credit. Course may be challenged for the credits listed. Grade Mode: C. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Fees: $40.
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