Biola University2016-2017NA


Biola University

PSYC 420 - Advanced Statistics Credits 3 Concepts and techniques involved in the analysis and interpretation of clinical and research data. Lecture and laboratory descriptive and inferential statistics. Major topics include correlation and regression, tests of significance and introduction to analysis of variance. Both parametric and non-parametric approaches are covered. Instruction assumes undergraduate background in statistics. Note(s): This course may be taken by senior psychology majors at the graduate level, course RSPY 502. Contact the department for details. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Psychology Major. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. PSYC 440 - History and Systems of Psychology Credits 2-3 An overview of the history of psychology and classical systems in psychology. The class also considers issues in the philosophy of science relevant to psychological systems, research, theory, and practice. Note(s): This course may be taken by senior psychology majors at the graduate level, course RSPY 530. Contact the department for details. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Psychology Major. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. PSYC 450 - Directed Field Work in Psychology Credits 1-6 Supervised experience in mental health, educational, correctional or related facility. Note(s): May be taken for a total of 6 credits. May receive no more than a total of 6 credits for 414, 450 and 480 combined. Three credits of PSYC 450 may be used toward the major. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Psychology Major. Restrictions: Must be Senior Class, or Junior Class; and Undergraduate Level. PSYC 460 - Studies in Psychology Credits 1-6 Seminar course taught by special lecturers addressing areas of specific interest. Reading, research and discussion of selected topics in the field of psychology. Note(s): May be taken for a total of 6 credits. Course usually offered abroad and subject to Department approval. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Psychology Major. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. PSYC 465 - Positive Psychology Credits 3 An introduction to the field of positive psychology which focuses on the systematic study of optimal human functioning; aiming to discover factors that contribute to individual and community flourishing. Theological integration will also be covered as It shares a concern with both Christian theology and ancient eudaemonistic ethics regarding the cultivation of human virtues. Students will use the integrative thinking cultivated in the class while researching and presenting their findings. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Psychology Major. Restrictions: Must be Psychology (PSYC); and Undergraduate Level. PSYC 470 - Current Topics in Psychology Credits 1-3 Reading, research and discussion of selected topics in the field of psychology. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Prerequisites may vary. Acceptance into the Psychology Major. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level.

PSYC 480 - Research in Psychology Credits 1-6 Research activity under the supervision of the primary researcher or self-directed research under the supervision of the professor of record. Note(s): May be taken for a total of 6 credits. May receive no more than a total of 6 credits for 414, 450 and 480 combined. Three credits of PSYC 480 may be used toward the major. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: "B" minimum grade in PSYC 209, PSYC 211, PSYC 305; cumulative G.P.A. of 3.2 in all college level work or 3.5 cumulative G.P.A. in all Psychology coursework; completed essay. Acceptance into the Psychology Major. Restrictions: Must be Senior Class, or Junior Class; and Undergraduate Level. PSYC 490 - Rosemead Special Programs Credits 1-6 Supervised research and/or reading in selected areas of Psychology through the Biola Special Programs. Note(s): May be taken for a total of 6 credits. Course usually offered abroad and subject to Department approval. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Psychology Major. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. Sociology Faculty Chair: LaDawn Johnson, M.S.W. Professor: Christerson Associate Professor: Johnson, Yuen Assistant Professors: Chan Courses Sociology (SOCI) SOCI 220 - Introduction to Sociology Credits 3 Sociological concepts with emphasis on group life, culture, socialization, social institutions, social processes and change. Theoretical as well as practical application of interaction and its effect on individuals in groups. Note(s): Approved for General Education Behavioral Science credit. Grade Mode: A. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level. SOCI 300 - Social Work Credits 3 This course is designed to familiarize students with the basics of generalist social work practice from a systems perspective; an overview of social work function and roles in response to the needs of at risk populations will be provided. Instruction in the helping interventions of assessment, problem solving, counseling and resource coordination through a variety of techniques, including class lecture, case study and role play; current systems of service and the ability of the social worker to positively impact both individual and communities will also be explored. Grade Mode: A. Prerequisites: SOCI 220. Restrictions: Must be Undergraduate Level.

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