Biola University2016-2017NA


Biola University

Comprehensive Examinations All candidates for the Th.M. degree must pass a written comprehensive examination over the major field of study. These examinations serve as a major means of evaluating the student’s academic competency in the major area. Comprehensive examinations may be taken any time after completion of 18 credits of Th.M. coursework. Graduates must take examinations by April 15 (spring) or November 15 (fall). Only two retakes of the examination are permitted. Thesis Option Students who opt to write a thesis must produce an acceptable piece of research evidencing a high degree of scholarly competence in the student's major. Information regarding thesis form and submission deadlines is provided in the Th.M. Program Handbook and the "Thesis Information" section of the Talbot graduate student handbook. The progression of the thesis sequence is Thesis First Draft and Thesis Final Draft. Should a student need more time to develop the first draft, Thesis Continuous Registration may be taken. Once the student is enrolled in Thesis Final Draft, the thesis must be completed within that term. Only one year following the completion of coursework is normally allowed for completion of a thesis. A student may go beyond this one- year period only by advance permission of the Graduate Committee. Such permission is usually granted only in extreme circumstances. If the thesis is not completed, students will be moved to the non-thesis track; in this case, neither TTHE 891 nor TTHE 892 will count toward completion of the Th.M. degree, and 6 credits of electives must be taken in their place. Messianic Jewish Studies Certificate Mission The Certificate in Messianic Jewish Studies is offered to meet the educational needs of students who desire seminary level training, but who are not necessarily pursing the Master of Divinity degree. It is ideal for those who are already serving in the field of Jewish ministries as well as those who are exploring the possibility of such ministry as outreach workers, congregational leaders, or support personnel. Core courses include Bible Exposition, Systematic Theology, Old and New Testament Studies, Christian Ministry and Leadership, and Jewish Studies. Certificate coursework may later be applied toward a Master of Divinity degree. Learning Outcomes As a result of this program, the student will: 1. Demonstrate and be committed to an accurate exposition of the Word of God. Students will learn pertinent background information for Bible books, the evangelical principles of literary interpretation of the Word of God, and skills for the exposition of biblical texts. 2. Comprehend the doctrines typically categorized in systematic theology and assess, prefer, and affirm the doctrinal statement of Talbot School of Theology. Students will learn and recall the essential doctrines of our faith community, write theological papers using the inductive method of theological study, critique theological writing, and apply abstract theological concepts to concrete situations. 3. Depending on courses selected, the student will 4. Know the theme and major contributions of each Old Testament book, discover the importance of historical background to the

Comprehensive Examination Total Credits


Additional Requirements Students are required to take a minimum of 14 credits in Th.M. courses numbered in the 800 series, with the remainder at the 600 and 700 levels. Up to two courses from a different department may be taken with the approval of the student’s program advisor. A Th.M. student must carry 9 or more credits to be considered a full- time student. Those carrying fewer than 9 credits are considered part- time students. A maximum of 6 credits may be taken by Th.M. students in independent study courses. It is recommended that this be done in the middle or latter portion of the program, and in any case the advance approval of the major departmental advisor and faculty member concerned is required. Research Seminar All Th.M. students are required to take the 890 level Research Seminar. The seminar is designed to introduce the student to research methodology employed in the various biblical and theological disciplines. The seminar is led by faculty representatives from each of the departments in biblical and theological studies. The seminar is a foundational part of the Th.M. program and is reserved for Th.M. students only. The seminar requires each student to complete a major writing project: either, for thesis-track students, one full chapter of the thesis (ideally the "history of research" chapter); or, for non-thesis-track students, a high-quality research paper. ELSP students must successfully complete all required ELSP courses, TTSS 510, and TTSS 520 prior to enrolling in the Th.M. Research Seminar. A $50 mentor fee will be required of all students participating in the Th.M. research seminar. Students majoring in Missions & Intercultural Studies will be required to take one of the courses listed below. Select one of the following: One of the 891 Biblical Research Seminars in consultation with their advisor ISCL 879 Research Design ISCL 897 Research Seminar ELSP Requirements ELSP students must successfully complete the following courses prior to enrolling in the Th.M. Research Seminar:

All required ELSP courses TTSS 510

Theological Research Methodologies

1 0

TTSS 520

Theological Writing

Concurrent Enrollment Option Senior Talbot M.Div. students who have completed 80 or more credits and are accepted in the Th.M. program are permitted to take up to 4 credits of Th.M. coursework in the last semester of the Master of Divinity program (additional Th.M. courses may be taken in Interterm or Summer session). These courses may not be credited toward the M.Div. degree and must meet all normal Th.M. standards. This option allows students who have only one or two courses remaining in their M.Div. program to start on their Th.M. program while finishing their M.Div.

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