Study Abroad and Study USA
and missions, and the reconciliation between the realities of East Africa and their Christian faith. Students enrolled in the Social Work Emphasis (SWE) participate in an MSW-guided Junior-level or Senior- level Social Work Practicum (up to 400 practicum hours) at a variety of sites, including Compassion International and locally-founded aid organizations, approved in consultation with the CSWE. Global Health Emphasis (GHE) students participate in the Cross Cultural Practicum at a health-related to engage broader issues of international aid, development, and public health. Other students choose the General Studies Emphasis (GHE) and select from a variety of UCU electives including languages, health, religions, literature, and politics, and may also choose to receive practicum credit through service at Cross-Cultural Practicum sites. USP students earn up to 16 hours of credit. For contact information please visit the following website: biola.edu/ccce (http://www.biola.edu/ccce). Uganda Studies Program Recommended Courses Faith and Action in the Ugandan Context 4 African Context Courses 3-12 Elective/African Context Course (optional) 3
Tropical Ecosystems Environmental Literature Internship Elective (Optional)
4 3 2
New Zealand Introduction to Sustainable Community Development
4 4 4 3 1
New Zealand Ecosystems
God and Nature
Environmental Literature
Te Reo Maori (Maori Language)
Justice Studies in Honduras (DSP) calvin.edu/academic/off-campus/programs/honduras-justice (http:// www.calvin.edu/academic/off-campus/programs/honduras-justice) Students from all majors are invited to the Justice Studies in Honduras semester, offered through Calvin College's off-campus programs. Whether through an interview with a worker in a garment factory or a lecture from one of Honduras' top politicians, this semester will open your eyes to a new way of thinking about justice as something that's possible. Earn 15 credits of coursework in community development and Honduran culture, taught by professors who live out what they are teaching. Choose a two-week practicum where you work with an organization of your choice. Learn Spanish from your Honduran family while living in the beautiful town of Santa Lucia, just outside the capital city, Tegucigalpa. Students will be ineligible to receive University Aid when attending the Justice Studies in Honduras Program. Prior to the beginning of the Justice Studies in Honduras program students must meet with a Financial Aid Counselor (http://offices.biola.edu/finaid/? _ga=1.112920260.1183327380.1410808181) and request a University Aid leave of absence to ensure University Aid will be reinstated upon return from this program. For contact information please visit the following website: biola.edu/ccce (http://www.biola.edu/ccce). Justice Studies in Honduras Recommended Courses Exploring a Third World Society 3 The Problem of Poverty 3 Development Theory in Practice 3 Spanish Language Study 3-4 Honduras Development Practicum (optional) 3 Interterm and Summer Programs Biola Study Tours During Interterm and Summer, Biola offers a variety of study tours, taught by Biola faculty, that travel both nationally and internationally. Application materials, course offerings, cost and payment deadlines are specific to each program. Each Biola Interterm or Summer study tour has individual student contracts and a refund policy that cater to the specific needs of each program. Payment is due in full prior to departure. Failure to pay 100% prior to departure will result in the immediate cancellation of the student's registration. Financial aid is not available for Interterm or Summer study tours. All students participating in an Interterm or Summer study tour are charged a $50 non-refundable registration fee and the international health insurance fee.
Affiliated Semester Programs Creation Care Study Program (CCSP) creationcsp.org (http://www.creationcsp.org)
The Creation Care Study Program (CCSP) offered by the Center for Environmental Leadership is a high-caliber academic semester in Belize or New Zealand aimed at helping students connect their Christian faith to biblical justice, ecology, sustainable community development, and to personally live more sustainable lifestyles. Within a learning context focused on Christian spiritual formation and community, CCSP offers a robust cross-cultural and interdisciplinary integrated semester of learning and discipleship. While studying with CCSP, students interact with the local communities and discover hands-on the remarkable natural wonders of Belize or New Zealand. Some highlights of CCSP-Belize include living at Macal Commons, CCSP's beautiful tropical campus, taking excursions to local Mayan ruins, snorkeling at one of the world's largest barrier reefs, and exploring pristine rainforests. The Belize semester also offers internship opportunities. The CCSP-New Zealand campus is nestled beneath the mighty Kaikoura mountains, yet only one mile from the Pacific Ocean. This offers students the unique opportunity to explore New Zealand's Polynesian and European cultures, stunning forests, mountain glaciers and abundant marine life (including whales, dolphins and seals). Both locations include homestay opportunities with local families, while CCSP also provides ample opportunity for independent travel. CCSP New Zealand or Belize is available Fall or Spring semester and is suitable for all majors, but particularly for Intercultural Studies, Biology, and Sociology majors. For contact information please visit the following website: biola.edu/ccce (http://www.biola.edu/ccce). Creation Care Study Program Recommended Courses Belize Introduction to Sustainable Community Development 4 God and Nature 4
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