Organizational Leadership
O rganizational L eadership Director: Mission and Learning Outcomes The mission of the Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership is to equip Christian men and women to lead and transform 21st century organizations. Principles and practices emphasized in this program enhance personal knowledge, character, and skills for business, non-profit and ministry leadership. Students prepare to deal with the growing complexity and challenges that leaders face daily as they guide people toward shared goals. The program is designed for professional men and women with undergraduate degrees and leadership experience who are searching for a professional degree program with strong biblical integration and solid marketplace value. The degree is interdisciplinary in nature and emphasizes research and practice derived from the fields of management, psychology, sociology, and education. Students are encouraged to grow in three fundamental areas: • Conceptual understanding of leadership. • Awareness of personal character and leadership potential. • Growth in effective leadership skills. Up to 12 credits of graduate level courses may be considered for transfer. Distance-Learning Format Many of the courses in this program are available in a distance learning format that combines distance learning with short-term campus visits. The distance learning program is designed to suit the M.A. in Organizational Leadership students who cannot attend the traditional residential program due to geographic or schedule constraints. This program may not qualify for financial aid or deferring of educational loan payments. Applicants interested in the distance learning program should contact the M.A. in Organizational Leadership office for more information at (562) 906-4571. Admission Requirements Starting with the Spring 2010 semester, Biola University began a three-year phase-out of the MOL degree completion program. MOL has been in a “teach out” phase completed June 2013, giving students who had already started the program an opportunity to finish their degree from Biola University, however, the program is no longer be admitting new students. For further information, read the University’s announcement about the changes to the MOL program. Dan Prince
Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership Graduation Requirements The Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership is a 36-credit program, which includes the following: A. Completing the Required Program of Study. Core Courses in Organizational Leadership (16 credits) Each course below should be taken for a total of two credits excepting CSOL 650 and CSOL 651 which should be taken for one credit each: CSOL 510 Practical Leadership Theory Credit(s): 1 - 2. CSOL 530 Character and Leadership Credit(s): 1 - 2. CSOL 550 Leadership Challenge Credit(s): 1 - 2. CSOL 610 Leadership and Group Behavior Credit(s): 1 - 2. CSOL 620 Communication for Leaders Credit(s): 1 - 2. CSOL 630 Leadership and Organizational Development Credit(s): 1 - 2. CSOL 650 Inner Leader I Credit(s): 1 - 2. CSOL 651 Inner Leader II Credit(s): 1 - 2. CSOL 660 Ethical Decision Making Credit(s): 1 - 2. Research Project (4 credits) Each course below should be taken for a total of two credits: CSOL 696 Research Design Credit(s): 1 - 2. CSOL 697 Research Presentation Credit(s): 1 - 2. Electives (10 credits) Select 10 credits of elective courses, a minimum of 4 credits in CSOL courses. Bible and Theology Electives (6 credits) Select 6 credits from Bible Exposition, Theology, Apologetics. Business Foundation Courses (5–6 credits) In order to ensure program readiness, students who have not attained sufficient understanding of management and finance through undergraduate coursework or equivalent experience may be required to take one or both of the following Business Foundations courses or approved alternatives (up to 6 credits may be credited toward the degree) as elective credits: MBAD 506 Marketing from the Management Perspective Credit(s): 3. Choose one of the following courses: CSOL 502 Principles of Accounting and Finance Credit(s): 2. MBAD 516 Accounting and Finance for Decision Makers Credit(s): 3. B. Maintaining a 2.5 GPA. No grade may be below a “C” in all courses to be credited toward graduation. Students cannot graduate while on probation. C. Completing a minimum of 24 credits in the degree program at Biola University. All degree components must be completed as credit courses.
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