
Certificate in Messianic Jewish Studies

C ertificate in M essianic J ewish S tudies

• Develop skills of ministry specifically appropriate for the Jewish community, including the proficiencies that follow: • Students will be skilled in using Jewish liturgy in Messianic worship and practice (holidays, funerals, marriages, rites of passage, and music). • Students will speak and write with understanding about Jewish backgrounds of the Christian faith. • Students will be able to prepare biblical messages appropriate for the Messianic Jewish community. • Students will provide biblical pastoral counsel for the unique needs of the Messianic Jewish community. • As a result of personal experience, students will be able to describe the significance of modern Israel in the Jewish community. Admission Requirements Applicants must possess a Bachelor of Arts degree or its academic equivalent from an accredited college with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). All applicants must submit a written statement outlining their vocational objectives and how the certificate relates to those objectives. Note : This program is conducted in NewYork. Graduation Requirements A. Satisfactorily complete all courses for a total of 30 semester credits as outlined in the curriculum below. B. Obtain a 3.0 GPA with no grade below a “C-” in all courses to be credited toward graduation. C. At least 24 credits must be taken at this seminary. Transfer courses will be considered on a case by case basis. D. Complete the entire program in no more than five years. Students are placed on academic probation if their GPA for any semester falls below 3.0 and will remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumulative GPA remains below 3.0. Probation students are granted one semester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (3.0) for continuance in the seminary. A student cannot graduate while on probation. Curriculum Nine credits from the Departments of Bible Exposition, Old Testament, or New Testament TTBE 517 Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods Credit(s): 3. Select 2 of the following courses: TTBE 519 Survey of Genesis - Malachi Credit(s): 3. TTBE 520 Survey of Matthew - Revelation Credit(s): 3. TTNT 503 Introduction to Exegesis Credit(s): 3. TTNT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels Credit(s): 3. TTNT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles Credit(s): 3.

Mission and Learning Outcomes The Certificate in Messianic Jewish Studies is offered to meet the educational needs of students who desire seminary level training, but who are not necessarily pursing the Master of Divinity degree. It is ideal for those who are already serving in the field of Jewish ministries as well as those who are exploring the possibility of such ministry as outreach workers, congregational leaders, or support personnel. Core courses include Bible Exposition, Systematic Theology, Old and New Testament Studies, Christian Ministry and Leadership, and Jewish Studies. Certificate coursework may later be applied toward a Master of Divinity degree. As a result of this program, the student will: 1. Demonstrate and be committed to an accurate exposition of the Word of God. Students will learn pertinent background information for Bible books, the evangelical principles of literary interpretation of the Word of God, and skills for the exposition of biblical texts. 2. Comprehend the doctrines typically categorized in systematic theology and assess, prefer, and affirm the doctrinal statement of Talbot School of Theology. Students will learn and recall the essential doctrines of our faith community, write theological papers using the inductive method of theological study, critique theological writing, and apply abstract theological concepts to concrete situations. 3. Depending on courses selected, the student will • Know the theme and major contributions of each Old Testament book, discover the importance of historical background to the interpretation of the Old Testament, and develop greater confidence in the Old Testament as a trustworthy guide to faith and life. • Be able to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the following: a historical outline of the NT; how each NT book fits into the outline; the broad historical and cultural backgrounds to the NT; and the basic theme and teaching of each NT book. The student will be able to evaluate critical views of the NT from an evangelical perspective. • Develop competency in Greek exegesis. • Develop competency in Hebrew exegesis. • Incorporate an understanding of Rabbinic thought and Old Testament Law in course studies and discipleship. • Value and prefer expository preaching. Students will learn to apply the biblical author’s intended purpose of a Bible passage in a manner relevant to the lives of their hearers.


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