
Applied Linguistics and TESOL

ISTE 642 - Teaching Second Language Writing Investigation of the nature of second language writing and characteristics of second language writers. Exploration of effective pedagogy for teaching academic writing at various levels in the ESL and EFL context. When Offered: Spring. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 644 - Discourse and Language Teaching Conversation analysis, the analysis of written texts, and discourse across cultures. Focus will be on discourse in the classroom and pedagogical applications. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 3. ISTE 646 - Teaching Second Language Reading Study of theory and practice in second language reading. Exploration of effective pedagogy for teaching academic reading at various levels in the ESL and EFL context. When Offered: Spring. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 664 - English for Specific Purposes Exploration of issues involved in teaching English to specific groups of students, especially those in scientific, technical, and vocational fields. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 3. ISTE 665 - Course Design in TESOL How to develop a language program and design a language course, including needs assessment, methodology choices, goals specifications and implementation issues. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 2 - 3. ISTE 690 - Independent Study Individual work, directed reading, or special problems in TESOL. Such work must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 691 - Field Practicum in TESOL Intensive ESL/EFL classroom teaching in a field setting, typically as part of a supervised team working with a voluntary agency. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Note(s): Elective. Credit(s): 2 - 3. ISTE 692 - Practicum in TESOL II Extensive independent teaching in an ESL classroom under the general supervision of a master teacher, plus weekly group discussion of issues in language pedagogy. Credit for course may be earned, on the basis of some field-based situations, by portfolio assessment. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Fee: Lab $100. Credit(s): 3. ISTE 693 - Portfolio Documentation of accomplishments in the area of teaching, research, and professional development. Details can be found in the ALT Handbook. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 1. ISTE 694 - Practicum in TESOL - Challenge Credit for course may be earned on the basis of some fieldbased situations by portfolio assessment (as detailed in the ALT Handbook). Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Fee: $50. Credit(s): 3. ISTE 695 - Research Seminar Guidance in the development of a thesis or research paper. Students produce a preliminary thesis statement, proposal, outline, and working bibliography. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 1.

ISTE 696 - Research Paper A paper based on classroom research, literature review, or the design of a syllabus or appropriate teaching materials. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 695. Credit(s): 1. ISTE 699 - M.A. Thesis Research for and writing of an M.A. thesis. Students permitted to write a thesis will not be required to do a portfolio. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 695 or equivalent and consent of M.A. committee. Credit(s): 3. ISTE 714 - Second Language Acquisition Examination of the various factors, especially individual, sociological, and psychological, which enter into the process of acquiring a second language. Includes discussion of learning strategies as well as autonomous learning inside and outside of the classroom. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 3. ISTE 721 - Advanced Methods and Techniques in TESOL Introduction to classroom-based research, in-depth examination of various methods and techniques of TESOL, and introduction to teacher training and program administration. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 3. ISTE 727 - Vocabulary Learning and Teaching Study of English vocabulary, how it is learned and best taught to non-native speakers. Research and theory inform learning issues and teaching practices. Examination of relevant materials and resources further supports vocabulary learning and teaching. When Offered: Fall. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 732 - Language Testing and Assessment Examination of theory and practice of standardized language tests along with teacher-developed assessment instruments for different language skill areas. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 3. ISTE 742 - Teaching Second Language Writing Investigation of the nature of second language writing and characteristics of second language writers. Exploration of effective pedagogy for teaching academic writing at various levels in the ESL and EFL context. When Offered: Spring. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 744 - Discourse and Language Teaching Conversation analysis, the analysis of written texts, and discourse across cultures. Focus will be on discourse in the classroom and pedagogical applications. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 3. ISTE 746 - Teaching Second Language Reading Study of theory and practice in second language reading. Exploration of effective pedagogy for teaching academic reading at various levels in the ESL and EFL context. When Offered: Spring. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 765 - Course Design in TESOL How to develop a language program and design a language course, including needs assessment, methodology choices, goals specifications and implementation issues. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Credit(s): 3.


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