Intercultural Studies
I ntercultural S tudies
translators, church multipliers, curriculum developers, community developers, member care professionals, and business persons who shall be able to conduct cross- cultural ministries with conviction, clarity, competence, and compassion, without compromising the sacred Scriptures. Doctor of Philosophy Biola University’s Cook School of Intercultural Studies offers two options for students wishing to do doctoral- level research: the Doctor of Philosophy in Intercultural Education and the Doctor of Philosophy in Intercultural Studies. Students interested in pursuing doctoral-level work must be very clear at the time of application regarding their research interests in order to ensure that Cook’s faculty members can provide the support they will need. The Ph.D. in Intercultural Education equips students for professional vocations in various educational arenas. The program aims to produce graduates who engage in research and writing about crosscultural educational endeavors; are competent educators for intercultural contexts; and integrate a biblically informed perspective into their understanding and practice of education. The Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies equips students for professional vocations in a variety of crosscultural arenas. The program aims to produce graduates who engage in research and writing about crosscultural issues; have competence in intercultural interaction, change, and transformation; and integrate a biblically informed perspective into their understanding of culture. Certificate in Orality The Certificate in Orality requires 24 credits of coursework. Courses (24 Credits) ISCL 614 Topics in Oral Ministries Credit(s): 3. This course must be repeated with different content for a total of 15 credits. ISAN 513 Comparative Folklore and Mythology Credit(s): 3. ISAN 531 Sign, Symbol and Structure Credit(s): 3. ISCL 744 Narrative in Scripture and Teaching Credit(s): 3. Note : These can also be combined with 18 credits of core courses leading to an M.A. in Intercultural Studies degree. Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies Objectives The M.A. in Intercultural Studies is designed to equip students both for careers in crosscultural or multicultural environments and for ministries associated with spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in cultures other than one’s own. At the end of the program, graduates should be able to do the following: Demonstrate their capacity to live and work in environments or cultures different than their own;
Faculty Chair:
Douglas Hayward, Ph.D.
Hayward, Steffen
Decker, Greene, McMahan, Pennoyer, Pittle, S. Russell, Sappington, Starcher, Yeh McEwen, Langenwalter
Associate Professors:
Assistant Professors:
Learning Outcomes The Intercultural Studies-Graduate department develops professionals for intercultural vocations through academic excellence within a Christian context. Graduates are equipped to do the following: 1. Live and work successfully in other cultures; 2. Lead and serve effectively in their own or other cultures; and 3. Teach and conduct research appropriately in crosscultural or multicultural contexts. Biola’s ICS-Graduate Programs Department features specializations in anthropology, missiology, intercultural education, international and community development, and sociology. Degrees Offered Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies The Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies degree is designed for students desiring advanced training for careers or ministries that require adjustment to living, working and communicating in another culture or in multicultural contexts. Drawing upon insights from theology, sociology, anthropology, history, and communication theory, students will be encouraged to analyze contemporary global concerns, to formulate Christian perspectives, and to explore better solutions to apply to today’s crosscultural problems. Master of Arts in Missions The Master of Arts in Missions degree is designed for individuals who have been in mission’s ministry for a number of years, and have not had the opportunity to earn a baccalaureate degree but who now wish advanced training related to their ministries. Students will be encouraged to integrate into their ministry experiences advanced studies in Bible and theology as well as insights from anthropology, sociology, history and communication theory. Doctor of Missiology The Doctor of Missiology degree is designed to enhance people, partnerships and publications that will advance the missions enterprise to a higher level of scholarship, spirituality, service, and sacrifice through the critical reflection of cross-disciplines; church history, theology, the social sciences, and missions strategies. It is the goal of the program to promote the development of researchers, teachers, administrators, consultants, Bible
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