
Intercultural Studies

Graduation Requirements All students must present an acceptable dissertation, have satisfactorily passed their qualifying exam and completed all required course work with a minimum 3.3 GPA to qualify for graduation. Students must meet with their department advisor and contact a Graduate Graduation Counselor in the Office of the Registrar one year prior to graduation to declare intent to graduate. (See Graduate Graduation Check description in Admissions, Registration & Graduation Requirements section). Residency Requirement CSICS Ph.D. students taking coursework at Biola’s CSICS extension centers must take at least 50% (24 credits) of the coursework at Biola’s main campus. Ph.D. in Intercultural Education Objectives The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Intercultural Education equips Christians for professional careers in the field of formal, non-formal, and informal arenas of education. Our chief goal in the program is to produce graduates who can think Christianly about their field, and engage in research and writing, which helps contribute to new understandings of crosscultural issues in education. The skills gained in pursuit of the degree involve teaching, academic mentoring, research, and writing. The Ph.D. in Intercultural Education allows the student to pursue knowledge and understanding of the cultural components of the educational process in diverse contexts. Ph.D. in Intercultural Education Prerequisites: M.A. degree with a strong education background. Minimally, 3 years of crosscultural or multicultural educational experience. Foundational Courses (12 credits) ISAN 761 Culture and Transformation

Specialization Courses (9 credits) A total of 9 credits must be taken in: Education/ICS electives: 3 credits. Education/ICS electives or Tutorial: 3 credits. ISCL 873 Tutorial

Credit(s): 1 - 3.

Research Courses (6 credits) ISCL 803 Qualitative Research

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.

Research Design

ISCL 879

Bible/Theology Courses (9 credits) Students may select Bible/Theology courses from a wide range of courses taught by the faculty at Talbot School of Theology or from among the theological integration courses offered by qualified faculty within the Cook School of Intercultural Studies. Students with no formal biblical/theological training prior to entering the program must have the selection approved by the program director. DissertationWriting (12 credits) ISCL 872 Foundations of Doctoral Research Credit(s): 3. ISCL 890 Ph.D. Dissertation Field Research Credit(s): 1 - 6. ISCL 890 should be taken for at least 6 total credits. ISCL 891 Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Credit(s): 3.

Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies Objectives

The Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies allows the student to engage in the study of issues and processes associated with cultural change, culture contact and transformation. This track equips graduates to critically analyze the practice and theory of intercultural and crosscultural programs and processes that have contributed to contemporary globalization trends. Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies Prerequisites: M.A. degree with a strong emphasis in intercultural studies, the social sciences or a related field. Minimally 3 years of crosscultural experience. Foundational Courses (12 Credits) ISAN 761 Culture and Transformation Credit(s): 3. ISCL 709 Intercultural Communication Credit(s): 3. Choose two from the following three classes: ISCL 742 History of the Expansion of Christianity Credit(s): 3. ISCL 765 Crosscultural Leadership Credit(s): 3. ISCL 703 Curriculum Design for Intercultural Contexts Credit(s): 3. Intercultural Research Core Courses (12 Credits) ISAN 721 Anthropological Theory in Practice Credit(s): 3. ISAN 731 Culture, Cognition and World View Credit(s): 3. ISAN 751 Social Anthropology Credit(s): 3. ISCL 801 Method and Theory in Cross-cultural Studies Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.

Intercultural Communication

ISCL 709

Choose two from the following three courses: ISCL 742 History of the Expansion of Christianity

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.

Crosscultural Leadership

ISCL 765 ISCL 703

Curriculum Design for Intercultural Contexts

Credit(s): 3.

Educational Core Courses (12 credits) ISCL 816 Education Theory

Credit(s): 3.

Crosscultural Teaching and Learning Strategies

ISCL 823

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.

Comparative Human Development

ISCL 825


Educational Philosophies of Global Religious Traditions

ISCL 815

Credit(s): 3.


Multicultural Education

Credit(s): 3.


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