
Biola University 2013–14 Catalog

Specialization Courses (9 Credits) A total of 9 credits must be taken in: Education/ICS electives: 3 credits. Education/ ICS electives or Tutorial: 3 credits. ISCL 873 Tutorial

ISCL 531 - Peoples of Ethnic America A study of non-Caucasian ethnic groups in the light of their historical and socio-cultural background. Practical field experience in an ethnic community. Credit(s): 3. ISCL 543 - Women in Missions The dynamics of understanding the role of missionary women: historical, physical, social, psychological, spiritual. Focus on the issues and opportunities in contemporary world. Credit(s): 3. ISCL 555 - Introduction to World Missions The nature of Christian outreach; a study of principles, history, and methodology of worldwide missions. Note(s): Required of M.Div. students. Credit(s): 3. ISCL 556 - World Religions The distinctive features of the historical ethnic religions, with special emphasis on their comparison and encounter with Christianity and their bearings upon missionary strategies. Credit(s): 3. ISCL 559 - Topics in Urban Studies May be repeated with different focus. Topics include: Juvenile Delinquency, Deviant Behavior, Social Problems, Alcohol and Substance Abuse. Credit(s): 3. ISCL 560 - Urban Research and Study The use of social science techniques to learn about the people, needs and opportunities for evangelism in the city. Credit(s): 3. ISCL 565 - Personal Leadership Formation A study of the principles and patterns used by God as He raises up leaders for His work. This study will include a discussion of the vital place of spiritual formation in leadership development. Credit(s): 3. ISCL 568 - Theology of the City Explores the unfolding meaning of global civilization from historical, biblical, cultural and strategic perspectives taking into account spiritual dynamics and worldview issues. Credit(s): 3. ISCL 572 - Topics in Contemporary Missions Issues Topic selection and course enrollment by advisor’s approval. Note(s): May be repeated with different focus. Credit(s): 1 - 3. ISCL 573 - The Church and the City Explores the literature and contemporary case studies of urban social changes and urban change agents. Attention is given to the analysis of social transformation through the creation of committed communities including urban churches. Credit(s): 3. ISCL 575 - Multicultural Education Experiential approach to crosscultural differences in the classroom as they affect teaching and learning. Focus of attention is primarily the United States. Credit(s): 3. ISCL 581 - Urbanization in Developing Countries Explores the ancient rituals, traditions, and modern ideas by which two-thirds of the world’s people now live. The student will become familiar with and equipped for interaction with the assumptions, belief systems, and cultural ways that have yielded profoundly different societies in the non-western world. Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 1 - 3.

Research Courses (6 Credits) ISCL 803 Qualitative Research

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3.

Research Design

ISCL 879

Bible/Theology Courses (9 Credits) Students may select Bible/Theology courses from a wide range of courses taught by the faculty at Talbot School of Theology or from among the theological integration courses offered by qualified faculty within the Cook School of Intercultural Studies. Students with no formal biblical/theological training prior to entering the program must have the selection approved by the program director. DissertationWriting (12 Credits) ISCL 872 Foundations of Doctoral Research Credit(s): 3. ISCL 890 Ph.D. Dissertation Field Research Credit(s): 1 - 6. ISCL 890 is to be taken for at least 6 total credits. ISCL 891 Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Credit(s): 3.

Courses Intercultural Studies (ISCL)

ISCL 501 - Dynamics of the Religious Experience A treatment of conceptions of the supernatural, the function of religion in society, religion and social control, the nature of religious ritual and paraphernalia, sacred places and religious practitioners. Credit(s): 3. ISCL 520 - Interpersonal and Intercultural Adjustment Exploration of the cross-cultural transition process, focusing upon healthy adjustment as a sojourner in a new culture. Attention given to understanding and applying grace to oneself and others, discerning cultural values, conflict styles, social stratification and celebration. Credit(s): 3.

ISCL 530 - Topics in Intercultural Health Care Topics include:

Global Health Perspectives: Theories and skills related to health teaching, physical assessment, preparation and utilization of indigenous health care. Global Health: The Continuum of self-care in the context of culture: Preparation for living overseas: healthy lifestyle, prevention of disease, mental and spiritual burnout, initial treatment where there is no doctor. Global Health Priorities: Preparation for serving organizations involved in planning and implementing health care systems at the district and village level. Global Health - Communication: The anthropological study of problems of illness and health with emphasis on the cultural contest of health care programs. Intercultural Clinical Practicum: Supervised crosscultural clinical health care experience. Prerequisites: ISCL 520. RN licensure. Note(s): May be repeated with different focus. Credit(s): 3.


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