
School of Education

available through their employer (public school or WASC-accredited private school) by submitting the CL-855 CTC form. Induction candidates must provide verification of enrollment in a state-approved induction program. • Clear Credential candidates must submit the Coach and Placement Information form. Those applying to the M.A.T. with a Personalized Concentration will be exempt from the following admissions requirements: • Verify subject matter competency. Multiple Subject candidates must pass one subtest of the CSET: Multiple Subjects exam. Single Subject candidates must present a letter verifying completion of a state-approved subject matter program or evidence of passing one subtest of the CSET in their subject area. • Verify possession of a Certificate of Clearance from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Note : Official documents presented for admission or evaluation become part of the student’s academic file and normally cannot be returned or copied for distribution. M.A.T. with a Multiple or Single Subject Preliminary Credential 1. Teacher Preparation and Pedagogy Coursework Students must complete Multiple or Single Subject Teacher Preparation and Pedagogy coursework and M.A.T. core courses as detailed below. Multiple Subject Teacher Preparation Coursework Courses must be completed with a grade of “B-” or higher. SEED 519 Foundations of Education

Single Subject Teacher Preparation Coursework Courses must be passed with a grade of “B-” or higher. SEED 519 Foundations of Education Credit(s): 2. SEED 526 Psychological Foundations of Education Credit(s): 3. SEED 541 Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students Credit(s): 3. SEED 525 Secondary Content Area Reading Credit(s): 3. SEED 545 Secondary Curriculum Credit(s): 3. SEED 546 Secondary Curriculum Fieldwork Credit(s): 1. SEED 514 Secondary Student Teaching I Credit(s): 6 SEED 515 Secondary Student Teaching II Credit(s): 6 Single Subject Pedagogy Coursework Course must be passed with a grade of “B-” or higher. SEED 533 Single Subject Pedagogy Credit(s): 2. 2. Core Coursework Courses must be passed with a grade of “B” or higher. SEED 501 Philosophy and Values in Schools and Society Credit(s): 3. SEED 524 Research in Culture and Intercultural Instruction Credit(s): 3. SEED 553 Writing Literature Reviews Credit(s): 2. SEED 570 Introduction to Spiritual Formation for the Educator Credit(s): 3. And TTBE 732 Exposition of NewTestament Segments or Themes Credit(s): 2 - 3. TTBE 732, Exposition of New Testament Segments or Themes: Life of Christ, should be taken for 3 credits. OR Other approved TTBE 3 credit course. Note : Biola students who have taken teacher preparation and pedagogy courses at the undergraduate level, and only need student teaching at the graduate level, will be required to take an additional 3-credit approved elective in order to have the required minimum 30 credits for an M.A.T. 3. Completion of Capstone Course must be passed with a grade of “B” or higher. Register for one credit per term. May take up to three terms to complete. SEED 594 Action Research Credit(s): 1 - 3. SEED 594 is to be completed in the final semester and may be taken concurrently with other coursework. See an advisor for planning guidance. M.A.T. with Teaching Concentration 1. Core Coursework Courses must be passed with a grade of “B” or higher. SEED 501 Philosophy and Values in Schools and Society Credit(s): 3. SEED 524 Research in Culture and Intercultural Instruction Credit(s): 3. SEED 553 Writing Literature Reviews Credit(s): 2. SEED 570 Introduction to Spiritual Formation for the Educator Credit(s): 3.

Credit(s): 2.

Psychological Foundations of Education

SEED 526

Credit(s): 3.

Methods of Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students

SEED 541

Credit(s): 3.

Elementary Reading/ Language Arts Elementary Curriculum

SEED 520

Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 3. Credit(s): 1. Credit(s): 6 Credit(s): 6

SEED 543 SEED 544 SEED 512 SEED 513

Elementary Curriculum Fieldwork Elementary Student Teaching I Elementary Student Teaching II

Multiple Subject Pedagogy Coursework Courses must be passed with a grade of “B-” or higher. SEED 507 Art Workshop for Elementary School Teaching Credit(s): 1. SEED 508 Music Workshop for Elementary School Teaching Credit(s): 1. SEED 509 Elementary Mathematics/ Science Workshop Credit(s): 2. SEED 516 Elementary Physical Education Workshop Credit(s): 1. SEED 536 Elementary Health Curriculum and Methods Credit(s): 1. SEED 537 Elementary History - Social Science Curriculum and Methods Credit(s): 1. SEED 549 Studies in Children’s Literature Credit(s): 1.


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