
Biola University 2013–14 Catalog

Disorders (ASD). Major theories, teaching approaches, trends, etiological and diagnostic issues, classroom structure and environmental arrangements, research-based instructional strategies, and family involvement will be discussed. A 10-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): Credential candidates must pass this class with a grade of “B-” or higher. Credit(s): 3. SEED 582 - Consultation, Collaboration, and Communication for the Education Specialist The purpose of this course is to prepare Education Specialist candidates to successfully consult, collaborate, and communicate with other professionals, families and school systems to effectively educate and support students with high incidence disabilities. Seminar sessions are designed to present a forum in which professionals evaluate on-going program management and service delivery programs, new research findings, and emerging legal and ethical issues as they relate to working with individuals with high incidence disabilities. Note(s): Credential candidates must pass this class with a grade of “B-” or higher. Credit(s): 3.

Placement Information Form. May be taken up to four times for credit. A minimum grade of “B-” is required. Credit(s): 3.

SEED 594 - Action Research Graduate students study student-, classroom- and school- based problems. Students set up action plans to study results of interventions leading to performance-based improvement. Prerequisite(s): SEED 553 or 554. Note(s): Special approval required. A minimum grade of “B” required for Master’s degree (a grade of “B-” is not sufficient). Students entering Fall 2012 forward are required to register for 1 credit per semester. May take up to three terms to complete. This course serves as the capstone course for the M.A.T. Restricted to petition to graduate. Credit(s): 1 - 3. SEED 595 - Comprehensive Examination Students who choose the Comprehensive Examination must demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the field of study. The content of the Comprehensive Examination includes material from the M.A.Ed. core courses. Students may elect to complete the Comprehensive Examination in lieu of the Capstone Thesis (599) or Research Project (598). Prerequisite(s): 501, 502, 503, 504, 524, 596 and TTBE 732. Note(s): Special approval required. Sign up for one credit per term. May take up to three terms to complete. A minimum grade of “B” required for Master’s degree (a grade of “B-” is not sufficient). Restricted to petition to graduate. Credit(s): 1 - 3. SEED 596 - Professional Development Module Students explore their role as leaders in the educational community, examining the change process within the context of curricular innovations and moral leadership. Paths for the capstone process are examined. Note(s): A minimum grade of “B” required for Master’s degree (a grade of “B-” is not sufficient). Credit(s): 1. SEED 597 - Independent Studies Subject matter and credits earned by arrangement. Note(s): A maximum of 6 credits may be taken. Restricted to School of Education approval. Credit(s): 1 - 3. SEED 598 - Research Project Students may elect to complete a research project or an instructional development project under the guidance of a faculty advisor. This option requires a written report and may be taken instead of the Comprehensive Examination (595) or the Capstone Thesis (599). Prerequisite(s): 501, 502, 503, 504, 524, 554, 596, and TTBE 732. Note(s): Special approval required. Sign up for one credit per term. May take up to three terms to complete. A minimum grade of “B” required for Master’s degree (a grade of “B-” is not sufficient). Restricted to petition to graduate. Credit(s): 1 - 3. SEED 599 - Thesis Students may elect to complete a published thesis under the guidance of a faculty advisor. The thesis involves a literature review and qualitative and/or quantitative research. May be taken instead of the Comprehensive Examination (595) or the Research Project (598). Prerequisite(s): 501, 502, 503, 504, 524, 554, 596, and TTBE 732. Note(s): Special approval required. Sign up for one credit per term. May take up to three terms to complete. A minimum grade of “B” required for Master’s degree (a grade of “B-” is not sufficient). Restricted to petition to graduate. Credit(s): 1 - 3.

SEED 583 - Curriculum Design for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities

This special education methods course is designed to present research-based best practices for the instruction of diverse students with mild/moderate disabilities. Emphasis will be placed on instructional planning that permits differentiating for the student’s IEP goals and objectives within the appropriate age and grade level related to the general curriculum. A 40-hour field practicum component is required. Note(s): CalTPA #3. Credential candidates must pass this class with a grade of “B-” or higher. Fee: $100. Credit(s): 3. SEED 584 - Student Teaching in Special Education I The purpose of this course is to prepare Education Specialist candidates to teach students with mild/moderate disabilities in a variety of educational settings. Upon successful completion of this course, candidates will be prepared to teach students in K-12th grade with mild/moderate disabilities. Note(s): Special approval required. Credential candidates must pass this class with a grade of “B-” or higher. CalTPA #4. Restricted to formal application and approval. Must register for SEED 585 if completing student teaching in one semester. Fee: $120. Credit(s): 6. SEED 585 - Student Teaching in Special Education II The purpose of this course is to prepare Education Specialist candidates to teach students with mild/moderate disabilities in a variety of educational settings. Upon successful completion of this course, candidates will be prepared to teach students in K-12th grade with mild/moderate disabilities. Note(s): Special approval required. Credential candidates must pass this class with a grade of “B-” or higher. CalTPA #4. Restricted to formal application and approval. Must register for SEED 584 if completing student teaching in one semester. Credit(s): 6. SEED 593 - Clear Credential Candidate Professional Development This course provides support for the Clear Credential candidate to evaluate their beginning levels of teaching proficiency, proposed areas in which they wish to grow professionally, and to support them in achieving the professional growth goals identified to improve application of skills and knowledge learned during their preliminary credential program. Note(s): Special approval required. Restricted to submission of Coach and


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