
Applied Linguistics and TESOL

INAL 437 - Introduction to Literacy An overview of literacy in neoliterate societies, including motivation, local authorship, orthography design, reading methodology, strategies for literacy programs and the relationship of literacy to social context. Credit(s): 3. INAL 446 - Introduction to Sociolinguistics Overview of the relationship between language and society. Topics covered include language and culture, language and social change, ethnicity, language contact, language policy, ethnography of communication, and social aspects of conversation. Prerequisite(s): 300 or equivalent. Credit(s): 3. languages, with special emphasis on collecting and analyzing language data leading to descriptions of phonology and syntax. Prerequisite(s): INAL 300, 301, 403, 405. Fee: $100. Credit(s): 3. INAL 453 - Introduction to Bible Translation An introduction to the principles and problems of cross-language and cross-cultural communication with special emphasis on translating the Bible into indigenous languages. Prerequisite(s): 300. Credit(s): 3. INAL 452 - Field Methods in Linguistics Extensive working with speakers of non-Indo-European INAL 454 - Field Methods in Second Language and Culture Learning Overview of language and culture learning theories and skills. Topics covered include working with a cross-cultural partner, language learning styles, cultural bias, language and culture data management skills and comparison of cultural bias with biblical principles. Credit(s): 3. INAL 480 - Directed Research Independent study in various areas. Each student assigned to a faculty member for guidance and evaluation. Restriction(s): Must be Junior or Senior class. Credit(s): 1 - 3. INAL 481 - Topics in Applied Linguistics Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated for credit with a different topic. Prerequisite(s): 300. Credit(s): 1 - 3. INAL 482 - Topics in Applied Linguistics Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated for credit with a different topic. Prerequisite(s): 300. Credit(s): 1 - 3.

TESOL, Certificate To recognize the significance of the training received, a certificate is granted to those who complete 19 credits of prescribed TESOL coursework with a grade of “C” or higher. Sixteen of these credits must be completed at Biola University. While the Biola undergraduate certificate in TESOL does not have the same coverage as the graduate certificate, it should be noted that it requires much more than the typical entry level certificate and, as such, qualifies its holders for work in many institutions in the United States and abroad. Students interested in TESOL training may note that there is an unregulated market for a wide range of “certificates.” While Biola University-issued TESOL certificates are for year-long programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels, the department can also prepare certificates of completion for students who complete one or more courses. These certificates specify number of contact hours and topics covered.

Courses Applied Linguistics (INAL)

INAL 300 - Introduction to Language and Linguistics Introduction to the basic concepts in the scientific study of language, major areas of linguistic analysis, and several subareas of the field, including language in society. Material from English and a variety of other languages is used to provide a broad perspective. Cross-listed: ENGL 351, INCS 310. Credit(s): 3. INAL 301 - General Articulatory Phonetics The study of the articulation, classification, discrimination, production, and transcription of speech sounds. The focus is on a wide range of sounds found in the world’s languages. Prerequisite(s): Concurrent registration in INAL 300. Credit(s): 3. INAL 302 - Phonetics and Phonology of English The study of the auditory discrimination, physical description, and systematic transcription of speech sounds, both standard and disordered, used in English and how these sounds are structured, organized and used. Some sounds from other languages are also included for comparison. Prerequisite(s): Concurrent registration in INAL 300. Credit(s): 3. INAL 313 - Language and Culture Learning Techniques and activities to help a person be a more successful independent learner of a spoken language and the culture within which it is used. Practical experience in language and culture learning in a foreign-speaking community. Cross-listed: INCS 313. Fee: $125. Credit(s): 3. INAL 403 - Introduction to Phonology Introduction to the systematic arrangements and rules by which languages organize and alter their speech sounds. Prerequisite(s): 301 or 302. Credit(s): 3. INAL 405 - Introduction to Syntax Introduction to the patterns, regularities, and rule-governed alternations in grammar whereby words are organized into phrases, clauses, and sentences. Prerequisite(s): Concurrent registration in INAL 300. Credit(s): 3.


INTE 309 - Grammar for English Teachers Study of major features of standard American English structure, with applications for ESL/EFL teachers. Restriction(s): Must be Junior or Senior class. Credit(s): 3. INTE 312 - Essentials of TESOL A practical course giving the skills and knowledge needed to gain foundational competence in teaching the English language. Includes methods and techniques, English pronunciation and grammar, teaching materials, culture and communicating values. Note(s): Does not count toward the TESOL minor program. Credit(s): 3.


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