Nebraska PT. Improve Your Health, Energy, & Fitness

4 Simple Ways To Improve Your Lifestyle

1. TRY WEARABLE TECHNOLOGY. Research shows that people who use wearable technology, gadgets such as Fitbits, Garmin, and Withings,tend to stick to their exercise routine more faithfully than those who don’t. With many of them, you can track your heart rate, steps per minute, sleep cycles, and more. 2. BEGIN THE DAY WITH PROTEIN. Eating protein for breakfast helps curb your appetite throughout the day and tends to improve your overall diet as well. While you may wind up consuming the same number of calories over a day’s time, you’ll be less tempted by high-fat snacks around dinnertime. Keep in mind that there are plenty of plant-based proteins available, including hemp seeds, black beans, almonds, edamame, and pumpkin seeds among them. 3. LIMIT YOUR DRINKS. By this, we aren’t only referring to alcohol. Instead, try tocutbackon thecalorie-ladendrinks popular this time of year. Concoctions such as sweetened coffee drinks, sodas, diet sodas and energy drinks can be detrimental to a healthy diet. Focus on a higher consumption of water during the day and to make it easy have a glass

by your desk or carry a bottle around with you.

consider ways to add healthy decision-making to your lifestyle. Remember that putting things off doesn’t get you to where you want to be. We are here to help you reach your goals and achieve a healthy, pain-free lifestyle. Talk to your physical therapist at our practice today, or schedule a free 30 minute consultation to make your summer the healthiest yet.

4. SWITCH IT UP. If you’ve been plugging through the same fitness routine day after day, you may notice a reduction in strength gain. To avoid this, try different exercises, working out at different times of day, using different repetitions, or lifting different weights. As summer begins to unfold,

PREPARE TO SWIM IN THE WATER SAFELY! Swimming is a great recreational sport thatcanbeenjoyedbypeople ofallages.But it’s importanttoknow how to be safe while you’re in the water. These important swimming safety tips are what you should be awareofbeforeyouheadout to the pool or beach.

• If you have a pool, secure it with appropriate barriers. Many children who drown in home pools were out of sight for less than five minutes and in the care ofoneorbothparentsat the time. • Protect your skin. Limit the amount of direct sunlight you receive between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and wear sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15. • Drink plenty of water regularly, even if you’re not thirsty. Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine in them.

• Swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards. • Always swim with a buddy; do not allow anyone to swim alone. • Never leave a young child unattended near water and do not trust a child’s life to another child; teach children to always ask permission to go near water.

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