Microsoft Word - 1112 reformatted catalog.docNA

Single Subject Pedagogy: Mathematics During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, Single Subject Mathematics candidates acquire a deep understanding of the interrelated components of a balanced program of mathematics instruction: computational and procedural skills; conceptual understanding of mathematics; and problem solving skills in mathematics, and acquire pedagogical skills that assist students in learning K-12 state-adopted academic content standards for Mathematics (Grades 7-12). Single Subject Pedagogy: Physical Education During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, Single Subject Physical Education candidates learn, understand and use content-specific teaching strategies for helping students in learning K-12 state-adopted academic content standards for During interrelated activities in program coursework and fieldwork, Single Subject Science candidates relate the state-adopted K-12 academic content standards for students in Science (Grades 7-12) to major concepts, principles and investigations in the science disciplines, including planning, organizing, and implementing effective instruction. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 200; 301, 330, 341; Concurrent: 425; Unit(s): 2. LEDU 436 - Secondary Curriculum Secondary school curriculum, assessment, classroom management and teaching methods as they apply to the content areas in secondary school settings. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 200; LEDU 301, or MUSC 205; LEDU 330, 341, 425; Concurrent: 433; Co-requisites: A 60 hour fieldwork requirement to support the practical application of LEDU 436 Secondary Curriculum content. Candidates will design and teach several classroom lessons in local secondary schools. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 200; LEDU 301 or MUSC 205; LEDU 330, 341, 425; Concurrent: 433; Co-requisite: 436. Unit(s): 1. LEDU 440 - Elementary Student Teaching I Physical Education (Grades 7-12). Single Subject Pedagogy: Science 437. Note(s): TPA #3. Fee: $100. Unit(s): 3. LEDU 437 - Secondary Curriculum Fieldwork Full time laboratory experience in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teachers and University supervisors. University seminar required. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 200; LEDU 301, 330, 341, 420, 431 and 432. Note(s): Restricted to formal application and approval. Must pass class with a grade of “B- ” or better. TPA #4. Candidates doing student teaching are limited to a maximum of 15 units that semester. Must register concurrently with LEDU 442 if completing all of student teaching in one semester. (See also SEED 512/513). Fee: $120. Unit(s): 6. LEDU 442 - Elementary Student Teaching II Note(s): See LEDU 440. Restricted to formal application and approval. Unit(s): 6. LEDU 450 - Secondary Student Teaching I Full time laboratory experience in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teachers and university supervisors. University seminar required. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 200; LEDU 301 or MUSC 205; LEDU 330, 341, 425, 436 and 437. Note(s): Restricted to formal application and approval. Must pass class with a grade of “B-” or better. TPA #4. Candidates doing student teaching are limited to a maximum of 15 units that semester. Must register concurrently with LEDU 452 if completing all of student teaching in one semester. (See also SEED 514/515). Fee: $120. Unit(s): 6. LEDU 452 - Secondary Student Teaching II Note(s): See LEDU 450. Restricted to formal application and approval. Unit(s): 6. LEDU 480 - Directed Study Subject matter and credit by arrangement. Unit(s): 1 - 3.


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