Humanities Faculty Chair: Professors:
Humanities: History (30 units) The Humanities History major consists of a total of 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division. Eighteen units in History, and two concentrations of six units in both English and Philosophy, for a total of 30 units. The student would seek his or her interests and be guided by the faculty to take most of his or her courses in one of the areas of expertise within the Department of History, Government & Social Science. History Requirements The student is required to take the following History courses (one of which will meet the general education history requirement) before taking upper-division courses in history. • HIST 207 - World Civilizations I Unit(s): 3. • • HIST 480 - Research Seminar Unit(s): 3. or , the following as “capstone” courses (6 units) in the junior or senior year of his or her program. • HIST 490 - Honors Program Unit(s): 3. • and HIST 491 - Honors Program Unit(s): 3. Humanities: Philosophy (33 units) HIST 208 - World Civilizations II Unit(s): 3. The student is also required to take either: The Humanities Philosophy major consists of a total of 33 units, of which 30 units must be upper division. Students should take 21 units of Philosophy beyond the general education requirement, of which 18 units must be upper division, and two concentrations of six upper-division units each in Literature and History.
Aaron J Kleist, Ph.D. Peters, Rood, Smith, Wilshire Buchanan, Ciocchi, Davidson, Dewey, Kleist, Ten Elshof Christensen, Wamagatta
Associate Professors: Assistant Professors:
Mission & Learning Outcomes The Departments of English, History and Philosophy offer an interdepartmental major in humanities. It consists of a concentration of 18-20 units in one area and two support areas of six upper- division units each. The area of concentration is basically an emphasis in the desired field but offers more flexibility. The objective of the humanities major is to provide the student with a broader perspective in selected liberal arts disciplines than is possible with a single subject matter. Courses taken to satisfy the general education requirement cannot be credited to the major. Humanities Degree Program A Bachelor of Arts Degree in Humanities is offered upon completion of the University baccalaureate and humanities major in the following concentrations. Humanities: English (36 units) The Humanities English major consists of a total of 36 units, of which 24 must be upper division. English Requirements 24 units in English are required (21 excluding the General Education Literature requirement) – 12 lower division and 12 upper- division units. The lower-division units should comprise four of the following, including two British Literature and two American Literature: • ENGL 251 - British Literature I Unit(s): 3. • ENGL 252 - British Literature II Unit(s): 3. • ENGL 253 - British Literature III Unit(s): 3. • ENGL 281 - American Literature I Unit(s): 3. • ENGL 282 - American Literature II Unit(s): 3. • ENGL 283 - Race & Ethnicity in American Literature Unit(s): 3. An additional 12 upper-division units must be chosen from History and Philosophy courses. Students may combine these concentrations in any of the following ways: 1. All 12 units in one concentration (History or Philosophy), 2. Six units in each concentration, 3. Nine units in one and 3 units in the other. Note that the following courses are prerequisites for upper-division courses in History. • HIST 207 - World Civilizations I Unit(s): 3. • HIST 208 - World Civilizations II Unit(s): 3.
Philosophy Requirements For the major, the student must take: •
PHIL 301 - Greek & Roman Philosophy Unit(s): 3. PHIL 302 - Medieval Philosophy Unit(s): 3. PHIL 303 - Modern Philosophy Unit(s): 3. PHIL 414 - Philosophy of Religion Unit(s): 3. For the concentrations in Literature and History the student will consult his or her advisor about which courses will most likely complement his or her studies in Philosophy.
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