MATH 291 - Linear Algebra Topics from matrices, determinants, linear transformations and vector spaces. When Offered: Fall. Prerequisite(s): 106 or consent. Unit(s): 3. MATH 305 - Introduction to Real Analysis I The real number system, elementary topological concepts in Cartesian spaces, convergence, continuity, derivatives and integrals. When Offered: Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): 112 and 205. Unit(s): 3. MATH 315 - Abstract Algebra I Introduction to abstract algebra with topics from elementary ring, field and group theories. Emphasis on ring of integers, congruences, polynomial domains, permutation groups. When Offered: Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): 112 and 291. Unit(s): 3. MATH 318 - Biostatistics Prepares the student for biostatistical application essential to practice in evidence-based professions. Content includes: descriptive statistics; probability theory and rules; discrete and continuous probability distributions; sampling distributions; confidence intervals; hypothesis testing; experimental design; ANOVA; linear and multiple regression; contingency table analysis; non-parametrics; survival analysis; discussion of the use of statistics in journal articles. Note(s): Credit given for only one of 210 and 318. Unit(s): 3. MATH 321 - Numerical Analysis Functions of one variable, approximate numerical solutions of non- linear equations and systems of linear equations, interpolation theory, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations. When Offered: Alternate years. Review of the subject matter of the Subtests of the CSET Mathematics exam. Test-taking strategies. Note(s): May be repeated for credit. Does not count toward the Major. Unit(s): 1. MATH 331 - Probability Samples spaces, axioms and elementary theorems of probability, combinatorics, independence, conditional probability, Bayes ΚΌ Theorem, one and higher dimensional random variables, special and multivariate distributions. When Offered: Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): 112, 205. Unit(s): 3. MATH 332 - Statistics Estimation: consistency, unbiasedness, maximum likelihood, confidence intervals. Hypothesis-testing; type I and II errors, likelihood ratio tests, test for means and variances; regression and correlation, Chi-square tests, decision theory, nonparametric statistics; application of statistical methods. When Offered: Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): 331. Unit(s): 3. MATH 333 - Operations Research Mathematical foundations of model building, optimization, linear programming models, game theoretic models. Prerequisite(s): 105, CSCI 105. Unit(s): 3. MATH 341 - Classical Geometry Theorems of Pythagoras, incenters, circumcenters, circles, Euler line, Fermat center. Compass constructions. Solid geometry. Spherical geometry of arcs. Coordinate geometry. When Offered: Alternate years. Unit(s): 3. MATH 370 - Readings in Mathematics Reading of material in a special topic. Colloquium participation. Writing and oral presentation of a research paper. Note(s): May be repeated for credit. Unit(s): 1. MATH 410 - Introduction to Real Analysis II Main theorems in integral calculus. Infinite series of numbers and functions. When Offered: Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): 305. Unit(s): 3. Prerequisite(s): 291, CSCI 105. Unit(s): 3. MATH 326 - Mathematics CSET Preparation
MATH 415 - Number Theory & the History of Mathematics The history of mathematics from Euclid through the 19th century as seen by exploring developments in number theory including congruences, Diophantine equations, divisibility, theorems of Fermat and Wilson, primitive roots, indices, quadratic reciprocity and the distribution of prime numbers. When Offered: Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): 112. Unit(s): 3. MATH 420 - Modern Geometry Projective geometry, cross ratios theorems of Menelaus, Cevas, Pappus, Desargues and Brianchon. Hyperbolic and elliptic geometries. Differential geometry, curvature, torsion. When Offered: Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): 341. Unit(s): 3. MATH 435 - Differential Equations First order differential equations and second order linear equations, series solutions, Laplace transforms, numerical methods, partial differential equations and Fourier series, boundary value problems and Sturm-Liouville theory. When Offered: Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): 205, 291. Unit(s): 3. MATH 440 - Complex Variables Complex variables, analytic functions, complex integral theorems, power series, conformal mappings. When Offered: Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): 205 or consent. Unit(s): 3. MATH 450 - Abstract Algebra II Topics from groups, ring and fields. Galois theory. When Offered: Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): 315. Unit(s): 3. MATH 480 - Research Seminar Special studies in mathematics. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing. Note(s): May be repeated for credit. Unit(s): 1 - 3.
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