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RSPY 708 - Structural Equation Modeling Introduction to models and methods for analysis of data hypothesized to be generated by unmeasured latent variables including latent variable analogues of traditional methods in multivariate analysis. Emphasis is given to measurement models such as confirmatory and higher-order factor analytic models and structural equation models, including path and simultaneous equation models. Parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, and other statistical issues are covered. Computer implementation and applications. Prerequisite(s): RSPY 704. Note(s): Required for Ph.D. Unit(s): 3. RSPY 709 - Current Issues in Psychology Intensive focus is given to a selected topic of contemporary interest. Note(s): May be retaken for credit. Elective. Unit(s): 1 - 3. RSPY 710 - Special Techniques in Clinical Practice Intensive consideration of a specific technique utilized in modern clinical practice and requiring specialized training. A single major technique will be the focus each time this course is offered. Note(s): May be retaken for credit. Elective. Unit(s): 1 - 3. RSPY 711 - Seminar in Ethical & Professional Issues A study and discussion of the ethics of professional psychology with an emphasis on the American Psychological Association ʼ s Code of Ethics, guidelines, and laws that govern the profession. Preparation for the oral and written portions of the licensing exam in the state of California is also given emphasis. The challenge to integrate a professional, Christian, and personal ethical code is discussed. Note(s): Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. Unit(s): 3. RSPY 712 - Independent Study Individual work, directed reading or special problems in psychology. Such work must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The student is expected to submit a detailed course proposal and a bibliography with an arranged course permission form available from the Registrar ʼ s Office. Note(s): Required courses may not be taken through independent study. Elective. Unit(s): 1 - 3. RSPY 713 - Clinical Supervision & Consultation A course designed to give students training and practice in supervisory and consultation roles. Mutual supervision and case presentations are used to develop skills. This course or RSLB 702 is required of Ph.D. and Psy.D. Prerequisite(s): RSPY 691 - 692. Unit(s): 2. RSPY 715 - Training Therapy (Interpersonal) For official indication on the student ʼ s transcript of required personal growth experience through interpersonal therapy. Students may choose group, marital or spiritual direction. Note(s): Required of all doctoral students. Unit(s): 0. RSPY 716 - Training Therapy (Individual) For official indication on the student ʼ s transcript of required personal growth experience through individual training therapy. Note(s): Required of all doctoral students. Unit(s): 0. RSPY 729 - Alcohol & Substance Abuse Diagnosis, treatment planning, and recovery process for the alcoholic / addict and family members will be the focus of the class. The disease model of addictions treatment and the utilization of 12- step support groups in the treatment of the recovering person and the family members will be presented. Other compulsive diseases will be discussed such as sexual addiction, eating disorders, etc. Class lecture, special speakers, and assigned reading will be the primary methods of instruction. Note(s): Meets California licensure requirement for training on alcohol and substance abuse. Elective. Unit(s): 1 - 2.

RSPY 730 - Directed Research Students may take special courses of study and / or pursue research projects that they design and carry out under the guidance of a resident faculty member. Individual or small group participation in a research project in psychology must be under the supervision of a faculty member. The student must submit an arranged course permission form giving a detailed outline of the research and other learning experiences of the course. Note(s): Required courses may not be taken through Directed Research. Elective. Unit(s): 1 - 3. RSPY 733 - The Self: Theological, Philosophical, Psychological & Crosscultural Perspectives This course looks at philosophical, theological, psychological, and crosscultural views of the nature of the self. The course explores some of the biblical and philosophical terminology. It also explores the historical emphasis on the self, with a focus on its current emphasis in psychoanalytic psychology, and its developmental aspect, and a psychological view of the true and false self. The western culture perspective on the self is compared with other cultures. Finally, a religious perspective on the true and false self is presented. Note(s): Elective. Unit(s): 3. RSTH 515 - Theological and Psychological Anthropology I This two semester, team-taught course has as its overall aim the development of a relational understanding of the human person. Contributions from theology include a discussion of the creation of humanity in the image of God, the subsequent distortion of that image due to the fall, an understanding of sin (both original sin, being sinned against, and habituated personal sins), and a relational understanding of Christian salvation as the deepest solution to the sin problem. This relational theology will be brought into conversation with a relational understanding of human nature from the vantage point of psychology and related disciplines in order to bring about a robust relational anthropology. This discussion will include integrating contributions from attachment theory, emotion research, neuroscience, infant research, and relational psychoanalysis. Special attention is given to helping the student come to their own depth understanding of the essential role human and divine relationships play in psychopathology and health, including the students' own experience of and resistance to such an understanding. Note(s): Required of Ph.D., Psy.D. Unit(s): 2. RSTH 516 - Theological and Psychological Anthropology II This two semester, team-taught course has as its overall aim the development of a relational understanding of the human person. Contributions from theology include a discussion of the creation of humanity in the image of God, the subsequent distortion of that image due to the fall, an understanding of sin (both original sin, being sinned against, and habituated personal sins), and a relational understanding of Christian salvation as the deepest solution to the sin problem. This relational theology will be brought into conversation with a relational understanding of human nature from the vantage point of psychology and related disciplines in order to bring about a robust relational anthropology. This discussion will include integrating contributions from attachment theory, emotion research, neuroscience, infant research, and relational psychoanalysis. Special attention is given to helping the student come to their own depth understanding of the essential role human and divine relationships play in psychopathology and health, including the students' own experience of and resistance to such an understanding. Note(s): Required of Ph.D., Psy.D. Unit(s): 2.


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