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($1 off each copy). The student or alumnus may request a transcript in person, FAX or by mail. Telephone or electronic mail requests will not be accepted. Every transcript request should include the name the student attended under, Biola student ID#, date of birth, social security number, last semester of attendance at Biola, any degrees earned at Biola, name and address where the transcript is to be sent, the appropriate fee paid in cash, credit card or check, made payable to Biola University, and the signature of the student using the name attended under. Regular processing time is 3 business days. For rush transcript service (normally 24-hour processing) there will be an additional fee of $10 per transcript. Expedited mailing options are also available (see Transcript Request Form for options and prices). A request for a transcript must bear the signature of the individual whose permanent record it is. If the name is typed or printed, the request will not be honored.The requester must sign the transcript request with the same name that the requester attended under. A transcript cannot be released if the student owes money to the University or if a payment is outstanding on any loans obtained through the University. This policy is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment). Transcript request forms are available in the Office of the Registrar or online at: Name Changes All name change requests by marriage, divorce or court order must be accompanied by a copy of the legal action which changes the individual's name, only if the name change occurs during enrollment. You must provide official documentation in the form of a valid Social Security card plus an additional valid alternate identification. Extracurricular Activities All groups or individuals who represent the University must manifest satisfactory cooperation, spiritual life and scholastic attainment (the overall grade point average must be 2.00), and must be approved by the faculty. Degrees Offered School of Arts & Sciences The Bachelor of Arts degree. Offered with majors in communication studies, cinema & media arts, English, history, humanities, journalism & integrated media, music, philosophy, political science, social science, sociology, theatre, and urban studies. The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Offered with a major in studio art. The Bachelor of Music degree. Offered with concentrations in composition, music education and performance. The Bachelor of Science degree. Offered with majors in biochemistry, biological science, communication disorders, computer science, engineering physics, environmental science, human biology, mathematics, music, nursing, physical education and kinesiology, physical science and studio art. The Master of Arts degree in Christian apologetics, and science and religion. School of Education The Bachelor of Arts degree in liberal studies. The Master of Arts in Education degree and the Master of Arts in Teaching degree. Cook School of Intercultural Studies The Bachelor of Arts degree in anthropology and intercultural studies.

The Master of Arts degree in intercultural studies, missions, anthropology, applied linguistics, linguistics & biblical languages, and TESOL. The Doctor of Missiology, the Doctor of Philosophy degree in intercultural education, and the Doctor of Philosophy degree in intercultural studies. Talbot School of Theology The Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical & Theological Studies. The Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian Ministries. The Master of Arts degree with emphasis in Bible exposition, New Testament, Old Testament, theology, philosophy of religion and ethics, spiritual formation, and biblical and theological studies- diversified. The Master of Arts degree in Christian education. The Master of Arts degree in Christian ministry and leadership with emphases in pastoral care and counseling, and women's ministries. The Master of Arts degree in spiritual formation and soul care. Talbot also offers the Master of Divinity degree, the Master of Theology degree, the Doctor of Ministry degree, the Doctor of Education, and the Doctor of Philosophy degree in educational studies. Rosemead School of Psychology The Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology. The Master of Arts, the Doctor of Psychology and the Doctor of Philosophy degree in clinical psychology. School of Professional Studies The Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology. The Bachelor of Science degree in organizational leadership. The Master of Arts degree in organizational leadership. Crowell School of Business The Bachelor of Science degree in business administration. The Master's of Business Administration degree. Undergraduate Programs Choosing an Undergraduate Major Every student should choose a major by the end of the sophomore year so that he or she may complete the major requirements in a timely fashion. To help students, the University has available a number of useful resources to assist in making the decision: academic advisors, careers counselors, First-Year Seminar classes conducted during the first semester of attendance, curriculum charts detailing the academic requirements for each program, and various fliers and brochures produced by each department. The task of selecting a major (and often a minor or other complimentary specializations) becomes one of crystallizing ideas on the basis of experiences in specific courses, discussions with other students, staff and faculty. Faculty advising is a service offered to students; however each student is responsible for choosing courses and fulfilling graduation requirements. Students must plan freshman or sophomore programs which will permit them to enter or take advanced courses in fields they may want to pursue. They should be sure to begin or complete requirements such as mathematics, chemistry or a foreign language early in their academic careers. Students anticipating graduate or professional study should exercise special care in planning


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