RSTN 731 - Full-time Internship in Clinical Psychology Professional experience of a one-year (12 months) internship in a facility approved by the Clinical Training Committee. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of comprehensive examinations, course requirements, professional qualifying examination, and approval of a dissertation proposal. RSTN 731 or RSTN 732 is required. Fee: Internship fee: $1,200 per semester. Unit(s): 0. RSTN 732 - Half-Time Internship Professional experience of a two-year internship in a facility approved by the Professional Training Committee. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of comprehensive examinations, course requirements, professional qualifying examination, and an approval of a dissertation proposal. RSTN 731 or RSTN 732 is required. Fee: Internship fee: $600 per semester. Unit(s): 0. RSTN 733 - Internship in Clinical Psychology-Continuation Internship is a continuation of the full-time, year long, Internship in Clinical Psychology, which continues through the summer term. Unit(s): 0. RSTP 500 - Psychotherapy & Religion An introduction to the contributions a biblical understanding of human nature can make to the psychological practitioner ʼ s understanding of the therapeutic process. Special attention is given to the relational dimension of human growth and development. Note(s): Required of all first year students to be taken concurrently with RSPY 680 or RSPY 681 - 682 (Pre-practicum). Unit(s): 1-2. RSTP 705 - Psychology of Religion A survey of the psychology of religion research emphasizing both content and methodological issues. Topics covered include religiosity and mental health, measures of religiosity, religious development, correlates of religiosity and psychological aspects of conversion and other religious aspects. Prerequisite(s): RSTP 500. Note(s): Elective. Unit(s): 2. RSTP 715 - Contemporary Psychoanalysis & Religion The history of the concept of transference is traced, particularly as pertains to controversies in contemporary psychoanalysis over historical truth vs. narrative truth, and reality vs. illusion, with special attention to the formation and use of God as a foreground and background object in light of modern infant observational research. Prerequisite(s): RSTH 540. Note(s): Elective. Unit(s): 3. RSTP 721 - The Nature & Scope of Integration This course includes a discussion of the models, levels and areas in which integration of the theological and psychological can occur, as well as a framework for conceptualizing the scope of integration. This course is designed to increase students ʼ awareness of the integral process of growth in psychotherapy and spirituality. Course material focuses on an understanding of the nature of psychological and spiritual growth, and an experimental awareness of that growth process. Prerequisite(s): RSTH 540. Note(s): Elective. Unit(s): 2 - 3. RSTP 730 - Mental Health Issues for Crosscultural Sojourners A study of the contributions psychologists can make to the missionary enterprise including cross-cultural adjustment issues facing sojourners. Additional topics vary from semester to semester but include content such as the selection and evaluation of missionary candidates; pre-field orientation and training; on field training and intervention services to sojourners; coping with transitions; and the unique identity and adjustment issues of Third Culture Kids. Prerequisite(s): RSTH 540. Note(s): Elective. Unit(s): 2. Prerequisite(s): RSTH 540. Unit(s): 2. RSTP 725 - Psychotherapy & Spirituality
RSTP 735 - Perspectives on the Self This covers an overview of philosophical, theological, psychological, cross-cultural and spiritual perspectives on the self. It also considers the historical transition from focusing on the soul to the contemporary focusing on the self. Prerequisite(s): RSTH 540. Note(s): Elective. Unit(s): 3. RSTP 744 - Integration & Therapy The focus of this seminar is on “explicit integration” in psychotherapy. The distinctives of the Christian therapist and therapeutic conceptualizations and intervention are examined. Prerequisite(s): RSTH 540. Note(s): Elective. Course may be repeated with different emphasis. Unit(s): 2. RSTP 745 - Maturity: Psychological & Theological Perspectives Various approaches to the concept of maturity are reviewed, including the psychological, biblical and devotional. A major focus is placed on the similarities and differences between biblical and psychological maturity as seen by integration theorists. Prerequisite(s): RSTH 540. Note(s): Elective. Unit(s): 2. RSTP 746 - Selected Topics & Issues in Integration Occasional seminars are offered under this course designation with focus on some contemporary integration issue, controversy or special research interest. Prerequisite(s): RSTH 540. Note(s): A critical examination of various theological and psychological anthropologies. Each student is expected to conduct an in-depth review of one theoretical perspective. Prerequisite(s): RSTH 540. Note(s): Elective. Unit(s): 2. RSTP 760 - Independent Study May be retaken for credit. Elective. Unit(s): 2 - 3. RSTP 750 - Perspectives on Human Nature Individual study, directed reading or special problems in integration. Such study must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The student is expected to submit a detailed course proposal and a bibliography on an arranged course form available from the registrar ʼ s office. Note(s): Required courses may not be taken through independent study. Elective. Unit(s): 1 - 3.
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