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Final Oral Examination The final examination is an oral defense of the dissertation before the doctoral committee and other invited professionals. Graduation Requirements All students must present an acceptable dissertation, have satisfactorily passed their comprehensive examinations and have completed all required course work with a minimum 3.30 GPA to qualify for graduation. Also, students must meet with their department advisor and contact a Graduate Graduation Counselor one year prior to graduation to declare intent to graduate. (See Graduate Graduation Check description in Admissions, Registration & Graduation Requirements section). Core Requirements 18 units Missiology & Intercultural Studies (18 Units):

ISCL Elective: 6 units

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ISCL 765 - Crosscultural Leadership Unit(s): 3.

Choose one of the following courses:

• ISAN 721 - Anthropological Theory in Practice Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 801 - Method & Theory in Cross-cultural Studies Unit(s): 3. Choose one of the following courses: • ISCL 727 - Principles of Church Multiplication Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 735 - Principles of Church Growth Unit(s): 3. Choose one of the following courses: • ISCL 703 - Curriculum Design for Intercultural Contexts Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 744 - Narrative as an Educational Philosophy Unit(s): 3.

Biblical/Theological Studies (3 Units):

• ISCL 722 - Spiritual Conflicts in Crosscultural Context Unit(s): 3. • or ISCL 724 - Issues in Spiritual Warfare Unit(s): 3.

Dissertation Research & Writing (14 Units):

ISCL 803 - Qualitative Research Unit(s): 3.

• ISCL 872 - Foundations of Doctoral Research Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 879 - Research Design Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 880 - D.Miss. Dissertation Unit(s): 1 - 5.


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