International Affairs and Intercultural Education Faculty Chair: Douglas Hayward, Ph.D. Professors: Hayward, Steffen Associate Professors: Decker, Greene, McMahan,
cultural programs and processes that have contributed to contemporary globalization trends.
Pennoyer, S. Russell, Sappington, Starcher McEwen, Pittle, Langenwalter
Assistant Professors:
Learning Outcomes The International Affairs and Intercultural Education department equips students for careers in multi-cultural or cross-cultural environments, or in programs of activity that transcend the boundaries of single cultures by providing academic excellence within a Christian context. Graduates are equipped to: 1. Live and work successfully in other cultures as globally concerned Christians; 2. Provide leadership and minister effectively as internationals who in their own or other cultures; 3. Serve as effective educators serving in cross-cultural or multi- cultural contexts. Biola ʼ s IA & IE Department features a faculty with specializations in anthropology, missiology, international education, health and development. The department emphasizes sound research and the application of learning to experience.
Degrees Offered Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies
The Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies degree is designed for those students who desire advanced training for careers or ministries that require adjustment to living, working and communicating in another culture or in multi-cultural contexts. Drawing upon insights from theology, sociology, anthropology, history, and communication theory students will be encouraged to analyze contemporary global concerns, to formulate Christian perspectives, and to explore better solutions to apply to today ʼ s cross-cultural problems. Doctor of Philosophy The Doctor of Philosophy degree equips graduates for professional careers that require proficiency in cross-cultural settings and in an increasingly culturally diverse world. A chief goal of the program is to produce graduates who can think Christianly about their field, and engage in research and writing, which helps contribute to new understandings of cross-cultural and multi-cultural issues. Students may pursue one of two distinct tracks within the Ph.D. degree. The skills gained in pursuit of the degree involve teaching, academic mentoring, research, and writing. The Ph.D. in Intercultural Education allows the student to pursue knowledge and understanding of the cultural components of the educational process in diverse contexts. This track equips graduates in the formal, non-formal, and informal arenas of education. The Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies allows the student to engage in the study of issues and processes associated with cultural change, culture contact and transformation. This track equips graduates to critically analyze the practice and theory of intercultural and cross-
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