Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies Objectives The Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies degree provides students with advanced training for careers or ministries that require adjustment to living, working and communicating in another culture or in multicultural contexts provides. Drawing upon insights from theology, sociology, anthropology, history, and communication theory students are encouraged to analyze contemporary global concerns, to formulate Christian perspectives, and to explore better solutions to apply to today ʼ s cross-cultural problems. Program Requirements The M.A. in Intercultural Studies is a 42–unit program. For the qualified applicant with extensive undergraduate work in intercultural studies / missions, it may be reduced to a minimum of 32 units. In order to graduate the student must do the following: 1. Complete the required courses listed below. 2. Successfully pass a comprehensive examination over coursework. 3. Maintain a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. 4. Meet with department advisor and Graduate Graduation Counselor in the Office of the Registrar one year prior to graduation to declare intent to graduate. (See Graduate Graduation Check description in Admissions, Registration & Graduation Requirements section).
Bible / Theology (6 units)
Electives (18 units) 18 units of advisor-approved electives. Students who do not have to take required electives are encouraged to choose a combination of electives most suitable for their career goals. Students may also choose to focus electives in areas of specialization such as anthropology, missiology, crosscultural education, Bible & theology, Bible translation, linguistics, TESOL, church planting, crosscultural health care, urban ministries, etc. Students desiring a graduate certificate in TESOL in conjunction with their intercultural studies degree must also apply to the Department of ALT. Note Students who have not previously taken a course in cultural anthropology will be required to take the course below as a required elective. • ISAN 507 - Cultural Anthropology Unit(s): 3. Note Students who are not proficient in a second language will also be required to take one of the courses listed below as a required elective. (Proficiency standards for a second language will be determined by the M.A. advisor in consultation with intercultural studies faculty. See student handbook for standards.) • ISAL 520 - Introduction to Language & Linguistics Unit(s): 3. • ISAL 655 - Practicum in Language & Culture Learning Unit(s): 3.
Core Curriculum (18 units):
• ISCL 742 - The History of the World Christian Movement Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 751 - Theology of Mission Unit(s): 3. Choose one of the following: • ISCL 501 - Dynamics of the Religious Experience Unit(s): 3. Choose one of the following: • ISAN 761 - Culture & Transformation Unit(s): 3.
ISAN 561 - Economic Anthropology Unit(s): 3. ISAN 751 - Social Anthropology Unit(s): 3. ISCL 560 - Urban Research & Study Unit(s): 3.
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Choose one of the following:
• ISCL 520 - Interpersonal & Intercultural Adjustment Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 709 - Intercultural Communication Unit(s): 3. Choose one of the following: • ISCL 602 - Introduction to International Development Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 727 - Principles of Church Multiplication Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 744 - Narrative as an Educational Philosophy Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 765 - Crosscultural Leadership Unit(s): 3.
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