Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies Objectives
Courses Anthropology (ISAN) ISAN 501 - Essentials of Archaeology An examination of the methodology and theories of the archaeological approach to the study of humankind from the earliest times to the present and how to interpret such data in respect to political, economic and social organization as well as analyze adaptation and change. Designed for graduate students who have not had sufficient background in archaeological prerequisites. Unit(s): 3. ISAN 502 - Essentials of Physical Anthropology A survey of the physical nature of humans from an anthropological perspective. Explores ideas and concepts in scientific method, genetics, human variation, primate behavior, fossil humans and archeology. The laboratory (3 hours per week) will consist of a hands-on study of specimen and an examination of the relationship between human biology and the influence of culture. Designed for graduate students who have not had sufficient background in physical anthropology. Unit(s): 3. ISAN 503 - Linguistic Anthropology An examination of the interdependence of language, interaction and culture in society. It examines the relationship between cognition and behavior to language in communities worldwide. Topics include the structure of language and interaction, symbols and metaphors, language and identity, language and cognition, classification of experience, and language and power. Unit(s): 3. ISAN 504 - Social Justice and Human Rights An introduction to major themes and issues in the study of social justice and human rights advocacy. Common human rights violations will be considered from an anthropological perspective and in the light of Scripture. Various tools for engaging in social activism and advocacy, rescuing the oppressed and undertaking social justice and human rights interventions will be considered. Unit(s): 3. ISAN 505 - History of Anthropological Theory Examination of the theories and principle figures contributing to the development of modern anthropological inquiry, research strategies and field methods. Unit(s): 3. ISAN 507 - Cultural Anthropology Examination of the theoretical perspectives of anthropology combined with a study of cultural subsystems, ideology and culture change with a special emphasis on how a Christian worldview informs the study of people and culture. Designed for graduate students who do not have a sufficient background in cultural anthropology. Unit(s): 3. ISAN 511 - Anthropology of Religion A treatment of conceptions of the supernatural, the function of religion in society, religion and social control, the nature of religious ritual and paraphernalia, sacred places and religious practitioners. Unit(s): 3. ISAN 512 - Anthropology of Christianity This class examines new research in the area of anthropology of Christianity. It will trace its origins, the research approach, as well as application of these studies to the Biblical text as well as to cross-cultural contexts. Unit(s): 3. ISAN 513 - Comparative Folklore & Mythology A cross-cultural comparison of the oral traditions of cultures including an examination of the major themes, cultural uses of myth, and the anthropological analysis and interpretation of the folk literature in society. Unit(s): 3.
The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Intercultural Studies engages students in the study of issues and processes associated with cultural change, culture contact, and transformation. This track equips graduates to analyze critically the practice and theory of intercultural and cross-cultural programs and processes that have contributed to contemporary globalization trends. Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies Prerequisites: M.A. degree with a strong emphasis in intercultural studies, the social sciences or a related field. Minimally 2 years of cross-cultural experience. Foundational Courses (12 units)
ISAN 761 - Culture & Transformation Unit(s): 3. ISCL 709 - Intercultural Communication Unit(s): 3. Choose two from the following three classes:
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• ISCL 742 - The History of the World Christian Movement Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 765 - Crosscultural Leadership Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 703 - Curriculum Design for Intercultural Contexts Unit(s): 3.
Intercultural Research Core Courses (12 units)
• ISAN 721 - Anthropological Theory in Practice Unit(s): 3. • ISAN 731 - Culture, Cognition & World View Unit(s): 3. • ISAN 751 - Social Anthropology Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 801 - Method & Theory in Cross-cultural Studies Unit(s): 3.
Specialization Courses (9 units) A total of 9 units must be taken in •
Education / ICS electives and / or
ISCL 873 - Tutorial Unit(s): 1 - 3. ISCL 873 should be taken for 3 units each time it is taken. ISCL 873 may be taken repeatedly to fulfill this requirement.
Research Courses (6 units)
ISCL 803 - Qualitative Research Unit(s): 3. ISCL 879 - Research Design Unit(s): 3.
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Bible/Theology Courses (9 units) Students may select Bible / Theology courses from a wide range of courses taught by the faculty at Talbot School of Theology or from among the theological integration courses offered by qualified faculty within the Cook School of Intercultural Studies. Students with no formal biblical / theological training prior to entering the program must have the selection approved by the program director.
Dissertation Writing (12 units)
• ISCL 872 - Foundations of Doctoral Research Unit(s): 3. • ISCL 890 - Ph.D. Dissertation Field Research Unit(s): 1 - 6. ISCL 890 is to be taken for at least 6 total units. • ISCL 891 - Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Unit(s): 3.
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