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ISAL 685 - Topics in Applied Linguistics Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated once for credit with a different topic. Titles offered include: Literacy & Economics Monolingual & Bilingual Dictionaries English as a World Language Computers & Language Acquisition. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent. Unit(s): 1 - 3. ISAL 686 - Topics in Applied Linguistics Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated once for credit with a different topic. Titles offered include: Literacy & Economics Monolingual & Bilingual Dictionaries English as a World Language Computers & Language Acquisition. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent. Unit(s): 1 – 3. ISAL 690 - Independent Study Guidance in the development of a thesis or research paper. Students produce a preliminary thesis statement, proposal, outline, and working bibliography. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent. Unit(s): 1 - 3. ISAL 695 - Research Seminar Guidance in the development of a thesis or research paper. Students produce a preliminary thesis statement, proposal, outline, and working bibliography. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent, permission of instructor, and no more than six units of coursework remaining. Unit(s): 1. ISAL 696 - Research Paper A paper based on classroom research, literature review, or the design of a syllabus or appropriate teaching materials. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent, 695 or equivalent. Unit(s): 1. ISAL 697 - Comprehensive Examination An examination covering the major knowledge areas of the field. Normally taken after all ISAL coursework has been completed. Students permitted to write a thesis will not be required to take a comprehensive examination. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent. Unit(s): 0. ISAL 699 - M.A. Thesis Research for and writing of an M.A. thesis. Students permitted to write a thesis will not be required to take a comprehensive examination. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent; ISAL 695 or equivalent, and consent of M.A. committee. Unit(s): 3. ISAL 722 - Phonological Theory Special problems in phonological analysis from various languages. Includes abstract phonology. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent, 523. Unit(s): 3. ISAL 724 - Syntactic Theory Study of several current models of syntax with application to the analysis and description of various languages. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent, 525. Unit(s): 3. ISAL 726 - Approaches to Translation Study of the theory and practice of translation, including secular and sacred texts, prose and poetry. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent, 529. Unit(s): 3. ISAL 741 - Language Surveys Introduction to the principles and methods of collecting, quantifying, and interpreting data on linguistic similarity, intelligibility, language attitudes, bilingualism, and language change. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent, 521, and 646. Note(s): A tape recorder will be needed. Unit(s): 3. ISAL 746 - Sociolinguistics Overview of the relationship between language and society. Topics covered include language and culture, language and social change, ethnicity, language contact, language policy, and ethnography of communication. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent. Unit(s): 3.

ISAL 748 - Discourse & Text Analysis Examination of language beyond the sentence level. Covers the analysis of oral and written secular and sacred texts within their social or literary contexts. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent. Unit(s): 3. ISAL 752 - Field Methods in Second Language & Culture Learning Overview of language and culture learning theories and skills. Topics covered include working with a cross-cultural partner, language learning styles, cultural bias, language and culture data management skills and comparison of cultural bias with biblical principles. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent. Unit(s): 3. ISAL 799 - Research Continuous Registration Students who are not registered for any other courses and who need extra time are required to register for this course each semester to maintain their degree status. Prerequisite(s): ISAL In-depth examination of some main areas of applied linguistics. Topics vary, depending on class interests. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent, ISAL 511. Unit(s): 3. ISAL 879 - Planning, Evaluation, & Research in Applied Linguistics In-depth treatment of program planning and evaluation, using appropriate qualitative and quantitative assessment instruments. Case studies of applied linguistic research will also be examined. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent, ISAL 511. Unit(s): 3. ISAL 885 - Topics in Applied Linguistics Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated once for credit with a different topic. Titles offered include: Literacy & Economics Monolingual & Bilingual Dictionaries English as a World Language Computers & Language Acquisition. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent. Unit(s): 1 - 3. ISAL 886 - Topics in Applied Linguistics Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated once for credit with a different topic. Titles offered include: Literacy & Economics Monolingual & Bilingual Dictionaries English as a World Language Computers & Language Acquisition. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent. Unit(s): 1 - 3. ISAL 890 - Independent Study 520 or equivalent. Fee: $100. Unit(s): 0. ISAL 868 - Seminar in Applied Linguistics Individual work, directed reading, or special problems in applied linguistics. Such work must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. Prerequisite(s): ISAL 520 or equivalent. Unit(s): 1 – 3. An introductory course orienting new online graduate students to requirements and expectations of the MA TESOL program, including key concepts and resources in TESOL, and helping students build community and plan their program. Unit(s): 1. ISTE 509 - Structure of English Study of the syntax of English in preparation for teaching non-native speakers. Theoretical insights taken from several approaches to grammar. Note(s): May also be completed as a Field Studies course. Fee: Exam $100. Unit(s): 3. ISTE 511 - Structure of English -- Challenge Students who have taken a course similar to ISTE 509 may petition the faculty to earn credit by means of a challenge exam and some additional coursework. Fee: Exam $100. Unit(s): 3. TESOL (ISTE) ISTE 505 - Foundations in TESOL


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