ISTE 512 - Essentials of TESOL A practical course giving the skills and knowledge needed to gain foundational competence in teaching the English language. Includes methods and techniques, English pronunciation and grammar, teaching materials, culture and communicating values. Note(s): Does not count toward the department's graduate An introduction to the field of TESOL at the post-secondary and adult levels dealing with learner needs, approaches to and methods of teaching, techniques for the four skills, lesson planning and classroom management. May also be completed as a Field Studies course. Unit(s): 3. ISTE 526 - Introduction to TESOL—K–12 certificate or M.A. in TESOL. Unit(s): 3. ISTE 525 - Introduction to TESOL—Adult An introduction to the field of TESOL at the primary and secondary levels in U.S. multilingual classrooms. The role of the primary language, methods and techniques for teaching the four skills, and assessment are also covered. Unit(s): 3. ISTE 527 - Materials Evaluation & Preparation Principles of ESL/EFL materials design. Enables teachers to evaluate and adapt published materials, prepare their own materials, and use a variety of media, including video and computers. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 3. ISTE 528 - Introduction to TESOL-Challenge Students who have taken a course similar to ISTE 525 may petition the faculty to earn credit by means of a challenge exam. Fee: Exam $100. Unit(s): 3. ISTE 541 - Intercultural Communication for Teachers Study of cultural contexts of English as an international language, culture in the language class and intercultural communication with the goal of increasing intercultural understanding and teaching effectiveness. Unit(s): 3. ISTE 560 - Communicating Values Through TESOL Exploration of ways in which TESOL may be used to promote crosscultural understanding through the communication of different worldviews and values. Includes ethical considerations. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 1. ISTE 580 - English: Past, Present & Future Historical and social survey of the development of the English language from a small tribal language to the widespread international language it is today. Possible future trends are also discussed. Unit(s): 2 - 3. ISTE 581 - Topics in TESOL Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated for credit with a different topic. Titles offered include: Readings in Language Learning Strategies Teaching Pronunciation TESOL & the Teaching of Literature Readings in Cultural & Language Learning Teaching EFL to Children Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 582 - Topics in TESOL Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated for credit with a different topic. Titles offered include: Readings in Language Learning Strategies Teaching Pronunciation TESOL & the Teaching of Literature Readings in Cultural & Language Learning Teaching EFL to Children Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 1 - 3.
ISTE 614 - Second Language Acquisition Examination of the various factors, especially individual, sociological, and psychological, which enter into the process of acquiring a second language. Includes discussion of learning strategies as well as autonomous learning inside and outside of the classroom. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 3. ISTE 621 - Advanced Methods & Techniques in TESOL Introduction to classroom-based research, in-depth examination of various methods and techniques of TESOL, and introduction to teacher training and program administration. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 3. ISTE 627 - Vocabulary Learning & Teaching Study of English vocabulary, how it is learned, and best taught to non-native speakers. Research and theory inform learning issues and teaching practices. Examination of relevant materials and resources further supports vocabulary learning and teaching. When Offered: Fall. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 632 - Language Testing & Assessment Examination of theory and practice of standardized language tests along with teacher-developed assessment instruments for different language skill areas. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 3. ISTE 635 - Technology for Language Learning & Teaching Exploration through reading, discussion, and hands-on experience of how technology can be creatively exploited as a teaching, learning and assessment tool to support language learning. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525, 527. Unit(s): 2 - 3. ISTE 642 - Teaching Second Language Writing Investigation of the nature of second language writing and characteristics of second language writers. Exploration of effective pedagogy for teaching academic writing at various levels in the ESL and EFL context. When Offered: Spring. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 644 - Discourse & Language Teaching Conversation analysis, the analysis of written texts, and discourse across cultures. Focus will be on discourse in the classroom and pedagogical applications. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 3. ISTE 646 - Teaching Second Language Reading Study of theory and practice in second language reading. Exploration of effective pedagogy for teaching academic reading at various levels in the ESL and EFL context. When Offered: Spring. Exploration of issues involved in teaching English to specific groups of students, especially those in scientific, technical, and vocational fields. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 3. ISTE 665 - Course Design in TESOL How to develop a language program and design a language course, including needs assessment, methodology choices, goals specifications and implementation issues. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 2 - 3. ISTE 690 - Independent Study Individual work, directed reading, or special problems in TESOL. Such work must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 691 - Field Practicum in TESOL Intensive ESL / EFL classroom teaching in a field setting, typically as part of a supervised team working with a voluntary agency. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Note(s): Elective, by department permission only. Unit(s): 2 - 3. Prerequisite(s): ISTE 525. Unit(s): 1 - 3. ISTE 664 - English for Specific Purposes
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